"Baziya. Tembu-Häuptling Zwelibangile mit Gefolge bei der Feier des Erntedankes in Mputi. Z. sitzt links bei den drei Männern an der Wand" ("Baziya. Tembu chief Zwelibangile with following at the harvest festival in Mputi. Zwelibangile is sitting on the left next to the three men at the wall"). Eleven people sitting in front of or next to a house, respectively. On the left a European woman, wearing a dark long skirt, a jacket little scarf and a tropical hat, is sitting at a table. Some men are in suits and sitting on banks or chairs. On the right side of the picture two men, wrapped in draperies and with caps, are sitting on the ground.; Wilhelm Friedrich Karl Blohm, born in 1884 in Keffenbrinck (Germany), was a carpenter. In 1911 he marrie...