"Baziya. Außenstation Sigubudu. Glockenweihe in S. Außenschule v. Baziya. Der Lehrer läutet die Glocke. Im Tropenhut der Evangelist A. Menzana. Links neben ihm ohne Hut Ältester D. Sicetsha" ("Baziya. Outstation Sigubudu. Sanctification of the bell in S. outer school of Baziya. The teacher is ringing the bell. The Evangelist A. Menzana with a tropical hat. Beside him on the left the eldest D. Sicetsha without hat"). A group of about fifteen people standing next to a wooden construction with a bell on top. A man has climbed the construction and is ringing the bell. The men are in suits, most of the women are wearing dark skirts or dresses and headscarfs and three are wearing patterned dark shawls on their shoulders. One man is holding a rope...