"Ussoke. Tischlerwerkstatt" ("Ussoke. Carpenter's workshop"). The workshop is a long room with windows on either side. Workbenches to both sides, young men are working on them. A ladder is hanging on the ceiling
Craft centre of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris (Paris evangelical missionary society...
Craft centre of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris (Paris evangelical missionary society...
"Schmiede in Unyamwezi" ("Forge in Unyamwezi"). Nine people next to a hut. A man on the right is usi...
"Tischlerwerkstatt, Sikonge (?)" ("Carpenter's workshop, Sikonge (?)"). Four African men in the work...
"Tischler Anton mit seinem Lehrjungen" ("Carpenter Anton with his apprentice"). Two African men; one...
Interior of carpenters’ workshop that extends into the distance, the building is open on the right h...
"Mbozi: Der Bauplatz. Stämme werden behauen, um dann zu Balken für das Kirchdach zerschnitten zu wer...
"Beim Schreinermeister." ("At the master carpenter's.") Photograph of 3 African men working in front...
View of the workshop of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris (Paris evangelical missionary...
"Ziegelanfertigung aus Termitenerde" ("Making bricks from termite earth"). A building made of poles....
"Rungwe: die Schmiede in der Industrieschule." ("Rungwe: the blacksmith's shop in the industrial sch...
"Industrieschule. Tischlerlehrlinge. (Br. Schärf)" ("Industrial school. Joiner's apprentices. (Br[ot...
"Industrieschule. Tischlerlehrlinge (Br. Schärf)" ("Industrial school. Joiner's apprentices (Br[othe...
“If it were possible to afford it, we should like to train every African to a trade. These lads, und...
A carpentry workshop in Leloaleng ; About ten young people, working on workbenches, preparing window...
Craft centre of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris (Paris evangelical missionary society...
Craft centre of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris (Paris evangelical missionary society...
"Schmiede in Unyamwezi" ("Forge in Unyamwezi"). Nine people next to a hut. A man on the right is usi...
"Tischlerwerkstatt, Sikonge (?)" ("Carpenter's workshop, Sikonge (?)"). Four African men in the work...
"Tischler Anton mit seinem Lehrjungen" ("Carpenter Anton with his apprentice"). Two African men; one...
Interior of carpenters’ workshop that extends into the distance, the building is open on the right h...
"Mbozi: Der Bauplatz. Stämme werden behauen, um dann zu Balken für das Kirchdach zerschnitten zu wer...
"Beim Schreinermeister." ("At the master carpenter's.") Photograph of 3 African men working in front...
View of the workshop of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris (Paris evangelical missionary...
"Ziegelanfertigung aus Termitenerde" ("Making bricks from termite earth"). A building made of poles....
"Rungwe: die Schmiede in der Industrieschule." ("Rungwe: the blacksmith's shop in the industrial sch...
"Industrieschule. Tischlerlehrlinge. (Br. Schärf)" ("Industrial school. Joiner's apprentices. (Br[ot...
"Industrieschule. Tischlerlehrlinge (Br. Schärf)" ("Industrial school. Joiner's apprentices (Br[othe...
“If it were possible to afford it, we should like to train every African to a trade. These lads, und...
A carpentry workshop in Leloaleng ; About ten young people, working on workbenches, preparing window...
Craft centre of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris (Paris evangelical missionary society...
Craft centre of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris (Paris evangelical missionary society...
"Schmiede in Unyamwezi" ("Forge in Unyamwezi"). Nine people next to a hut. A man on the right is usi...