"Der Baum bei Tabora, unter welchem Livingstone und Stanley sich verabschiedeten" ("The tree in Tabora underneath which Livingstone and Stanley bid each other farewell"). A large tree on what may be a path. Several other smaller trees and shrubs around it.; Photograph is not listed in the Unyamwezi list of negatives
Photographs from a Photo Album of February, 1932, prepared “With Love and Best Wishes” for E. E. She...
"Près d'Antioka" ("Near Antioka") "Ntshiva" Photograph of a tree near Antioka. In the foreground, ta...
"Eingeborene auf dem Dorfweg in Ipole" ("Indigenous people on the village path in Ipole"). The pictu...
"Ein Baum in Mamba." ("A tree in Mamba."). A huge tree behind an African man who holds the reins of ...
"Ipyana 1935. Palme m. Schmarotzerbaum der die Palme mit s. Wurzeln umschlingt, auf Schw. Stolz'ens ...
"Ein Baum mit seinen Luftwurzeln" ("A tree with its aerial roots"). In the center the tree surrounde...
"Baobab tree: patriarch of the African plain." Exterior view showing a large tree dominating the sky...
Photograph of Hermann Bahlburg (left) and another person (possibly Hermann Elbers) standing next to ...
"Nkuhlu" Photograph of a tree. In the background, buildings.; Photographie d'un arbre. À l'arrière p...
“Im Hain bei Moschi” (“In the grove near Moshi”). At the coffee table under a huge tree: B. Gutmann ...
Zambeze - L'arbre de Livinigstone a Sesheke" ("The Livinigstone tree at Sesheke") View of Livingston...
"Gefällter Baumriese" ("Cut down giant tree"). Photograph of a cut down giant tree in a forest. The ...
"Ein Affenbrot-Baum. (Reisebild)" ("A baobab. (Travel picture)"). Single big tree
"Rungwe: Weg nach dem Urwald am Rungwe-Gebirge -> Die Rungwe-Spitze" ("Rungwe: Path next to the prim...
"Reise nach Nyassa. Ein Affenbrotbaum in Muhenga." ("Trip to Nyasa. A baobab tree in Muhen[d]a(?).")...
Photographs from a Photo Album of February, 1932, prepared “With Love and Best Wishes” for E. E. She...
"Près d'Antioka" ("Near Antioka") "Ntshiva" Photograph of a tree near Antioka. In the foreground, ta...
"Eingeborene auf dem Dorfweg in Ipole" ("Indigenous people on the village path in Ipole"). The pictu...
"Ein Baum in Mamba." ("A tree in Mamba."). A huge tree behind an African man who holds the reins of ...
"Ipyana 1935. Palme m. Schmarotzerbaum der die Palme mit s. Wurzeln umschlingt, auf Schw. Stolz'ens ...
"Ein Baum mit seinen Luftwurzeln" ("A tree with its aerial roots"). In the center the tree surrounde...
"Baobab tree: patriarch of the African plain." Exterior view showing a large tree dominating the sky...
Photograph of Hermann Bahlburg (left) and another person (possibly Hermann Elbers) standing next to ...
"Nkuhlu" Photograph of a tree. In the background, buildings.; Photographie d'un arbre. À l'arrière p...
“Im Hain bei Moschi” (“In the grove near Moshi”). At the coffee table under a huge tree: B. Gutmann ...
Zambeze - L'arbre de Livinigstone a Sesheke" ("The Livinigstone tree at Sesheke") View of Livingston...
"Gefällter Baumriese" ("Cut down giant tree"). Photograph of a cut down giant tree in a forest. The ...
"Ein Affenbrot-Baum. (Reisebild)" ("A baobab. (Travel picture)"). Single big tree
"Rungwe: Weg nach dem Urwald am Rungwe-Gebirge -> Die Rungwe-Spitze" ("Rungwe: Path next to the prim...
"Reise nach Nyassa. Ein Affenbrotbaum in Muhenga." ("Trip to Nyasa. A baobab tree in Muhen[d]a(?).")...
Photographs from a Photo Album of February, 1932, prepared “With Love and Best Wishes” for E. E. She...
"Près d'Antioka" ("Near Antioka") "Ntshiva" Photograph of a tree near Antioka. In the foreground, ta...
"Eingeborene auf dem Dorfweg in Ipole" ("Indigenous people on the village path in Ipole"). The pictu...