"Reisebild. Br. Henning, Geschw. Stern [v.l.n.r.] / Reisebild. Schwester Stern mit anderen Missionsgeschwistern (eine lebendige Hecke im Dorf Ngenva) ("Travel picture. Br[other] Henning, Brother and Sister Stern [from left to right] / Travel picture. Sister Stern with other mission brothers and sisters (a living hedge in the village Ngenva)"). Photograph of mission brothers and sisters in front of the living hedge, which consists of several trees that grow very close to each other. Brother Henning with a topee is sitting on the ground, a European toddler is sitting next to him. A women, maybe his wife, is standing behind him. On the right Brother and Sister Stern. An African person is sitting on the ground between brother Henning and the St...