"Lansdowne: Br. Fisher (links Br. Hettasch), ein farbiger Maurermeister, Anfänger der regelmäßigen Gottesdienste in L.; ihm ist die Gründung dieser Außenstation letztlich zu verdanken." ("Landsdowne: Br[other] Fisher (left Br[other] Hettasch), a colored master builder, founder of the regular sermons in L[ansdowne]; ultimately, the foundation of the outstation is due to him."). The picture shows a man of mixed origin who wears a light colored vest, light colored trousers and a white shirt. Next to him on the left side a man of European origin. He wears a dark suit and glasses. The chain of a pocket watch hangs outside his vest. Behind them a wheelbarrow and in the background a white house. Written on the card board: 14.2.34. P. Theile."; Ot...