"Eselwagen befördert Sand zum Kirchbau" ("Donkey cart transporting sand for the construction of the church"). One man on the cart and another one pulling it. A child behind the cart.; Wilhelm Guth (1888-1980), from Zeiskam in the Rhineland Palatinate, studied commerce before joining the Leipzig Mission as a pastor. He served in Gonja (southern Pare) from 1913 to 1917 and from 1927 to 1938. He left a large number of photographs, mostly taken by himself but including some by members of his family or fellow missionaries
"Same, Bahnstation für Mbaga, vorn Missionar Guth" ("Same, railway station for Mbaga, in the front M...
"Krokodil auf der Veranda eines Europäerhauses" ("Crocodile on the porch of Europeans' house"). Wit...
Schwieriger Transport der Gonja-Glocke" ("Difficult transport of the Gonja bell"). Men carrying the ...
"Missionarsfrau auf dem Weg zur Nachbarstation" ("Wife of a missionary on her way to the neighbourin...
"Miss. Guths Kinder" ("Miss[ionary] Guth's children"). Guth's children riding on a donkey, shown wit...
"Die kleinen Guths transportieren Apfelsinen" ("The little Guth children transporting oranges"). Wit...
"Missionar R. Schmidt. Eselskarre" ("Missionary R. Schmidt. Donkey cart"). A neatly dressed man and ...
"Ankunft der Glocke in Gonja" ("Arrival of the bell in Gonja"). Crowd arriving on the right side of ...
"Missionsinspektor Küchler wird durch ein Maisfeld geführt" ("Mission inspector Küchler being led th...
"Im Straßengraben von Same" ("In the Same ditch"). Broken down truck next to a road. People standing...
"Miss. Guth auf einsamen Pfaden zwischen Mbaga und Wudee" ("Missionary Guth on lonely paths between ...
"Glockentransport nach Moschi" ("Transporting of a bell to Moshi"). A crowd, consisting mainly of ch...
"Lilien in der afrikanischen Steppe" ("Lilies in the African steppe").; Wilhelm Guth (1888-1980), fr...
"Kirche zu Wudee, Kindergottesdienst-Beginn" ("Church at Wudee; beginning of the children's service"...
"Blick auf die ganze Missionsstation Gonja von einem Hügel aus" ("View of the whole Gonja mission st...
"Same, Bahnstation für Mbaga, vorn Missionar Guth" ("Same, railway station for Mbaga, in the front M...
"Krokodil auf der Veranda eines Europäerhauses" ("Crocodile on the porch of Europeans' house"). Wit...
Schwieriger Transport der Gonja-Glocke" ("Difficult transport of the Gonja bell"). Men carrying the ...
"Missionarsfrau auf dem Weg zur Nachbarstation" ("Wife of a missionary on her way to the neighbourin...
"Miss. Guths Kinder" ("Miss[ionary] Guth's children"). Guth's children riding on a donkey, shown wit...
"Die kleinen Guths transportieren Apfelsinen" ("The little Guth children transporting oranges"). Wit...
"Missionar R. Schmidt. Eselskarre" ("Missionary R. Schmidt. Donkey cart"). A neatly dressed man and ...
"Ankunft der Glocke in Gonja" ("Arrival of the bell in Gonja"). Crowd arriving on the right side of ...
"Missionsinspektor Küchler wird durch ein Maisfeld geführt" ("Mission inspector Küchler being led th...
"Im Straßengraben von Same" ("In the Same ditch"). Broken down truck next to a road. People standing...
"Miss. Guth auf einsamen Pfaden zwischen Mbaga und Wudee" ("Missionary Guth on lonely paths between ...
"Glockentransport nach Moschi" ("Transporting of a bell to Moshi"). A crowd, consisting mainly of ch...
"Lilien in der afrikanischen Steppe" ("Lilies in the African steppe").; Wilhelm Guth (1888-1980), fr...
"Kirche zu Wudee, Kindergottesdienst-Beginn" ("Church at Wudee; beginning of the children's service"...
"Blick auf die ganze Missionsstation Gonja von einem Hügel aus" ("View of the whole Gonja mission st...
"Same, Bahnstation für Mbaga, vorn Missionar Guth" ("Same, railway station for Mbaga, in the front M...
"Krokodil auf der Veranda eines Europäerhauses" ("Crocodile on the porch of Europeans' house"). Wit...
Schwieriger Transport der Gonja-Glocke" ("Difficult transport of the Gonja bell"). Men carrying the ...