"Glockenweihe in Gonja" ("Consecration of the bell in Gonja"). A crowd in front of the bell-cage. Guth amongst them
Schwieriger Transport der Gonja-Glocke" ("Difficult transport of the Gonja bell"). Men carrying the ...
"Außenstation von Madschame: Glocken-'Treter'" ("Out-station of Machame: Bell-'Treadler'"). Wooden c...
"Tauffest in Gonja." ("Baptism celebration in Gonja.") Photograph of a crowd of people sitting outsi...
"Erstes Läuten der Glocken in Gonja nach der Weihe" ("First ringing of the bells in Gonja after cons...
"Glockenweihe Aussenstelle Gonga, Miss. Küchler und Kosmala" ("Consecration of the bell at Gonja out...
"Die Gonja-Gemeinde holt ihre Glocke, 7 Ztr; von dem Kgd. Kempten gestiftet" ("The Gonja parish rece...
"Freudenreigen um die neue Glocke" ("Celebrating the new bell"). Men carrying a trunk to which the b...
"Heidentaufe in der Gonjasteppe" ("Baptism of heathen in the Gonja steppe"). People gathered outside...
"Kirchweihe in Gonja." ("Consecration of the church in Gonja.") Interior view of a church filled wit...
"Aus dem Gemeindeleben in Gonja." ("From the congregational life in Gonja.") Photograph of a thatche...
"Ankunft der Glocke in Gonja" ("Arrival of the bell in Gonja"). Crowd arriving on the right side of ...
"Miss. Guths Einzug April 1927 in Gonja" ("Miss[ionary] Guth's arrival in Gonja, April 1927"). The G...
"Glockenweihe in Mbeya Weihnachten 1934. Von weither kommen die Christen angewandert, um an der Feie...
"Die Gemeinde Mamba holt eine Glocke aus Deutschland ein" ("The parish of Mamba receiving a bell fro...
"Erstes Läuten der neuen Mambaglocke" ("Ringing the Mamba bell for the first time"). Bell in a tree,...
Schwieriger Transport der Gonja-Glocke" ("Difficult transport of the Gonja bell"). Men carrying the ...
"Außenstation von Madschame: Glocken-'Treter'" ("Out-station of Machame: Bell-'Treadler'"). Wooden c...
"Tauffest in Gonja." ("Baptism celebration in Gonja.") Photograph of a crowd of people sitting outsi...
"Erstes Läuten der Glocken in Gonja nach der Weihe" ("First ringing of the bells in Gonja after cons...
"Glockenweihe Aussenstelle Gonga, Miss. Küchler und Kosmala" ("Consecration of the bell at Gonja out...
"Die Gonja-Gemeinde holt ihre Glocke, 7 Ztr; von dem Kgd. Kempten gestiftet" ("The Gonja parish rece...
"Freudenreigen um die neue Glocke" ("Celebrating the new bell"). Men carrying a trunk to which the b...
"Heidentaufe in der Gonjasteppe" ("Baptism of heathen in the Gonja steppe"). People gathered outside...
"Kirchweihe in Gonja." ("Consecration of the church in Gonja.") Interior view of a church filled wit...
"Aus dem Gemeindeleben in Gonja." ("From the congregational life in Gonja.") Photograph of a thatche...
"Ankunft der Glocke in Gonja" ("Arrival of the bell in Gonja"). Crowd arriving on the right side of ...
"Miss. Guths Einzug April 1927 in Gonja" ("Miss[ionary] Guth's arrival in Gonja, April 1927"). The G...
"Glockenweihe in Mbeya Weihnachten 1934. Von weither kommen die Christen angewandert, um an der Feie...
"Die Gemeinde Mamba holt eine Glocke aus Deutschland ein" ("The parish of Mamba receiving a bell fro...
"Erstes Läuten der neuen Mambaglocke" ("Ringing the Mamba bell for the first time"). Bell in a tree,...
Schwieriger Transport der Gonja-Glocke" ("Difficult transport of the Gonja bell"). Men carrying the ...
"Außenstation von Madschame: Glocken-'Treter'" ("Out-station of Machame: Bell-'Treadler'"). Wooden c...
"Tauffest in Gonja." ("Baptism celebration in Gonja.") Photograph of a crowd of people sitting outsi...