Nursemaid with the Gierschs' baby on her back, Mbozi, Tanzania, ca. 1906-1929

  • Unknown
University of Southern California. Libraries


"Mbozi. Kindermädchen mit Kind von Geschw. Giersch. Tuch auf dem Rücken echtes Safwafabrikat." ("Mbozi. Nursemaid with Bre[thren] Gierschs' child. Cloth on the back [is a] real Safwa product."). Profile view of an African girl wearing a dress with a baby tied to her back. As protection against the sun, she is holding an umbrella. In the background: a path sided by bushes and trees.; Ernst Otto Giersch (1878-1946 [1947]) was a missionary of the Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine. He served from 1906 to 1908 in Mbozi (together with his wife Anna Magdalena(1882-unknown), née Seiler) and returned home because of illness. From 1927 to 1929 he again served in Mbozi

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