Annotation translation: "'Come to school' calls the schoolboy, beating his talking drum with two wooden staves. In this African village there is not yet a clock on a church tower, or on a school building."; Annotation: "'Auf zur Schule' ruft der Schüler mit seiner Sprechtrommel, die er mit zwei Holzschlegeln schlägt. Denn eine Kirchturmuhr, oder gar eine Schulhausuhr gibt es noch nicht im Negerdorf."; Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mission, Basel, Missionsstrasse 21.
Annotation translation: "Church." - "Jubiläum Akropong 1928."; Annotation: "Kirche." - "Jubiläum Akr...
Annotation translation: "Kal. [Missionskalendar] 1956."; Annotation: "Kal. [Missionskalender] 1956."...
Annotation translation: "Jubilee in Akropong 1928."; Annotation: "Jubiläum Akropong 1928."; Stamped:...
Annotation translation: "In P. Tjahu?"; Annotation: "In P.Tjahu?"; Note: "Aufzug z. Schulfest (Einwe...
Annotation translation: "Büchner 1934."; Annotation: "Büchner 1934."; Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mi...
Annotation translation: "Printed in the 'Kam. Schulbl.'."; Annotation: "Cl. Kam. Schulbl."; Stamped:...
Annotation translation: "Village school, with the sons of cannibals from Minge. On the left Teacher ...
Annotation translation: "Martin."; Annotation: "Martin."; Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mission, Basel...
Annotation translation: "In front on the blackboard someone has written 'God is love.' The teacher, ...
Annotation translation: "Auftrag 1958/12. Swain ... "; Annotation: "'Auftrag' No 12/58. Swain ... ";...
Annotation translation: "Church."; Annotation: "Kirche."; Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mission, Basel...
Annotation translation: "Printed HB [Heidenbote] 1936/8. HB [Heidenbote] 1944/3."; Annotation: "U. [...
Annotation translation: "Martin."; Annotation: "Martin."; Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mission, Basel...
Annotation translation: "Martin."; Annotation: "Martin."; Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mission, Basel...
Annotation translation: "in ...[illegible]... ?"; Annotation: "in ...[unleserlich]... ?"; Stamped: "...
Annotation translation: "Church." - "Jubiläum Akropong 1928."; Annotation: "Kirche." - "Jubiläum Akr...
Annotation translation: "Kal. [Missionskalendar] 1956."; Annotation: "Kal. [Missionskalender] 1956."...
Annotation translation: "Jubilee in Akropong 1928."; Annotation: "Jubiläum Akropong 1928."; Stamped:...
Annotation translation: "In P. Tjahu?"; Annotation: "In P.Tjahu?"; Note: "Aufzug z. Schulfest (Einwe...
Annotation translation: "Büchner 1934."; Annotation: "Büchner 1934."; Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mi...
Annotation translation: "Printed in the 'Kam. Schulbl.'."; Annotation: "Cl. Kam. Schulbl."; Stamped:...
Annotation translation: "Village school, with the sons of cannibals from Minge. On the left Teacher ...
Annotation translation: "Martin."; Annotation: "Martin."; Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mission, Basel...
Annotation translation: "In front on the blackboard someone has written 'God is love.' The teacher, ...
Annotation translation: "Auftrag 1958/12. Swain ... "; Annotation: "'Auftrag' No 12/58. Swain ... ";...
Annotation translation: "Church."; Annotation: "Kirche."; Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mission, Basel...
Annotation translation: "Printed HB [Heidenbote] 1936/8. HB [Heidenbote] 1944/3."; Annotation: "U. [...
Annotation translation: "Martin."; Annotation: "Martin."; Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mission, Basel...
Annotation translation: "Martin."; Annotation: "Martin."; Stamped: "Museum der Basler Mission, Basel...
Annotation translation: "in ...[illegible]... ?"; Annotation: "in ...[unleserlich]... ?"; Stamped: "...
Annotation translation: "Church." - "Jubiläum Akropong 1928."; Annotation: "Kirche." - "Jubiläum Akr...
Annotation translation: "Kal. [Missionskalendar] 1956."; Annotation: "Kal. [Missionskalender] 1956."...
Annotation translation: "Jubilee in Akropong 1928."; Annotation: "Jubiläum Akropong 1928."; Stamped:...