Das Grab des Häuptlings v. Batibö i. Bakobngwang.

  • Zürcher, Wilhelm (Mr)
University of Southern California. Libraries


Annotation translation: "The inheritance is so treated that it is no use to anyone. After the death of their Chief everything which he possessed and all his furnishings were brought out into the open air. His cloths were ripped up, shoes, stools, lamps etc were smashed. No-one was allowed to take over something he had himself used." - "HB [Heidenbote] 1942/5."; Annotation: "Die unbrauchbar gemachte 'Erbschaft'. Nach dem Tode des Häuptlings wurde alles, was er besass, sein ganzer Hausrat ins Freie getragen. Seine Tücher wurden zerrissen, die Schüsseln, Stühle, Lampe oder was er sonst noch hatte, zerschlagen. Niemand darf nach seinem Tode das, was nur er gebraucht hatte, benützen." - "HB [Heidenbote] 1942 (5)."; Note translation: Note the Bab...

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