Annotation translation: " ... Keller, Ernst, Lt. v. Putzlitz, Gl[a]uning, soldiers."; Annotation: " ... 'Keller, Ernst, Lt. v. Putzlitz, Hpt. Gluning, Soldaten.
Annotation translation: "The workers of the tile-works in Codacal. Brother Boas, 1905."; Annotation:...
Annotation translation: "Schenkels, Hirners."; Annotation: "Schenkel + Fr. / Hirner + Fr.
Annotation translation: "The Schimmings, Huppenbauer and Kiess."; Annotation: "Geschw[ister] Schimmi...
Annotation translation: "(from The Foreign Missionary 1940, March)."; Annotation: "(aus The foreign ...
Annotation translation: "1911."; Annotation: "1911."; Note: Vergleiche K 1575 (E-30.25.034) wegen de...
Annotation translation: "Printed in the 'Evang[elische] Welt f[ür] Rheinland 1934/10."; Annotation: ...
Annotation translation: "Printed M. Kal. [Missionskalendar] 1945."; Annotation: "Cl. 8403 (M.Kal. [M...
Annotation translation: "India - Wilhelm Müller (on the right)."; Annotation: "Indien - Wilhelm Müll...
Annotation translation: "N 556. Volunteer soldiers from Souakim."; Annotation: "N 556. Volontiers so...
Annotation translation: "S. Gutekunst, At the foot of Mount Kupe. 1913."; Annotation: "S. Gutekunst,...
Annotation translation: "Mosé Jejab. Martin Göhring. Fumban."; Annotation: "Mosé Jejab, Martin Göhri...
Annotation translation: "The expedition up Manenguba."; Annotation: "Zur Expedition auf Manenguba.
Annotation translation: "G. Martin, Isliker, Obrecht, Groh, Brucker, Josenhans, Deuber, Siegle, Schw...
Annotation translation: "To Inspektor Oehler with friendly greetings, yours, W. Stokes." - "Malabar....
Annotation translation: "Among the phot[ographs] taken by Inspector W[itschi]. Via Witschi from the ...
Annotation translation: "The workers of the tile-works in Codacal. Brother Boas, 1905."; Annotation:...
Annotation translation: "Schenkels, Hirners."; Annotation: "Schenkel + Fr. / Hirner + Fr.
Annotation translation: "The Schimmings, Huppenbauer and Kiess."; Annotation: "Geschw[ister] Schimmi...
Annotation translation: "(from The Foreign Missionary 1940, March)."; Annotation: "(aus The foreign ...
Annotation translation: "1911."; Annotation: "1911."; Note: Vergleiche K 1575 (E-30.25.034) wegen de...
Annotation translation: "Printed in the 'Evang[elische] Welt f[ür] Rheinland 1934/10."; Annotation: ...
Annotation translation: "Printed M. Kal. [Missionskalendar] 1945."; Annotation: "Cl. 8403 (M.Kal. [M...
Annotation translation: "India - Wilhelm Müller (on the right)."; Annotation: "Indien - Wilhelm Müll...
Annotation translation: "N 556. Volunteer soldiers from Souakim."; Annotation: "N 556. Volontiers so...
Annotation translation: "S. Gutekunst, At the foot of Mount Kupe. 1913."; Annotation: "S. Gutekunst,...
Annotation translation: "Mosé Jejab. Martin Göhring. Fumban."; Annotation: "Mosé Jejab, Martin Göhri...
Annotation translation: "The expedition up Manenguba."; Annotation: "Zur Expedition auf Manenguba.
Annotation translation: "G. Martin, Isliker, Obrecht, Groh, Brucker, Josenhans, Deuber, Siegle, Schw...
Annotation translation: "To Inspektor Oehler with friendly greetings, yours, W. Stokes." - "Malabar....
Annotation translation: "Among the phot[ographs] taken by Inspector W[itschi]. Via Witschi from the ...
Annotation translation: "The workers of the tile-works in Codacal. Brother Boas, 1905."; Annotation:...
Annotation translation: "Schenkels, Hirners."; Annotation: "Schenkel + Fr. / Hirner + Fr.
Annotation translation: "The Schimmings, Huppenbauer and Kiess."; Annotation: "Geschw[ister] Schimmi...