This is a photograph of "The Baptism and First Communion class just after their reception of the Sacraments, Easter. Top row: Father Walker, Fr. Cairns and Yip Fan Teng [village Catechist]."; Fr. Cairns was born in Glasgow, Scotland and became a Maryknoll Missionary in 1918 at the age of thirty-four. He spent many years in China in Yeung Kong [now Yang-Chiang], Fachow [now Fahsien] and eventually Sancian Island. During WWII he was captured by the Japanese on Sancian Island and killed. His presumed date of death is December 14, 1941. - Born in California, Fr. Walker came to Maryknoll in 1918 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1923. He was assigned to Kongmoon where he labored for ten years. His health failed him and he never returned to t...