This is a photograph of "Fr. Kennelly some friends." Fr. Kennelly is the third in from the left in the center row.; Born in New York, Fr. Kennelly came to Maryknoll in 1916 and was hoping to follow in the footsteps of his uncle, a Jesuit, who served many years in Shanghai. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1926 and left for Kongmoon, China, the same year. He began work in the Loting Orphanage and in 1936 considered it a great honor to bring the body of Maryknoll co-founder Rev. Thomas F. Price back to Maryknoll. He returned to Kongmoon in 1937 as Society Superior of that mission and held the role until 1948. The Loting Mission was often bombed or attacked by bandits. His work ended in 1951 in Kongmoon when he was arrested, interrogated...