This is a photograph of Father Phillip A. Taggart holding "Bie Fung, a year old. Received at creche when about ten hours old."; Born in New York, Fr. Taggart came to Maryknoll in 1914 and was ordained to the priesthood on May 21, 1921. He sailed for the Orient that same autumn. His first mission was Yeungkong under the guidance of Fr. Francis Ford. Later, he became pastor of the town of Tungchen and remained there until 1927. Returning home to the United States in 1927, he raised funds for his missions and returned in 1929 to Yeungkong and renovated the mission compound. He opened a home for blind girls and older women. In 1931 Fr. Taggart became ill and died in Yeungkong. He was buried in a hillside cemetery at Yeungkong