"Pique-nique en route pour Mhinga 1900. Mmes Février, Liengme, Mme Rosset, Daniel et Lucy, M. Rosset et Gabriel, Mme Jules Liengme, Mlle Grand" ("Picnic on the road to Mhinga 1900. Mmes Février, Liengme, Mrs Rosset, Daniel and Lucy, Mr Rosset and Gabriel, Mrs Jules Liengme, Miss Grand") Photographs taken by Paul Rosset in South Africa. Top picture: Swiss missionaries on a picnic near Mhinga. Bottom picture: African people and handicrafts.; Photographies prises par Paul Rosset en Afrique du Sud. Photo du haut: missionnaires suisses romands pique-niquant près de Mhinga. Photo du bas: travaux manuels
"Nöel chez les lépreux" ("Christmas at the leprous'") Photograph of a Swiss missionary, a few Africa...
Photograph of Swiss missionaries and African people sitting and standing in the shade of trees.; Pho...
Photograph of Swiss missionaries and African people sitting in the shade of trees. In the background...
"Le repas auprès du Wagon 1901" ("The meal near the Wagon 1901") "Un joyeux pique - nique ! Mme J. L...
"Mlle Grand et famille Rosset en voyage" ("Miss Grand and Rosset family on a journey") Photograph of...
"Pique-nique" ("Picnic") Photograph of a group of Swiss missionaries picnicking in Pretoria. First f...
Photograph of Swiss missionaries on a picnic. In the foreground, on the left, two men sitting on a b...
"En voyage ! Mmes Rosset et J. Liengme" ("Let's go ! Mmes Rosset and J. Liengme") Photograph of Swis...
"Jeunes gens de Mhinga. Mme Rosset" ("Young boys from Mhinga. Mrs Rosset") Photograph of Mrs Rosset ...
Photograph of Swiss missionaries in southern Africa. They wear light colored clothes and look at the...
"Mr Benoît, Miss Molina, Miss Schlub, amis des Loze" ("Mr Benoît, Miss Molina, Miss Schlub, Loze's f...
"Village indigène, près de Mhinga" ("Indigenous village, near Mhinga") Photograph of a Swiss mission...
"Loze et Bovet voyagent" ("Loze and Bovet travel") Photograph of Swiss missionaries, African people ...
Photographs of Swiss missionaries in southern Africa. Top picture: Swiss missionaries on the porch o...
"A Borel, M. & Mme Audéoud, Melle Teuscher, Mlle Keck (Lessouto [Lesotho]), M. & Mme Creux, M. P. Be...
"Nöel chez les lépreux" ("Christmas at the leprous'") Photograph of a Swiss missionary, a few Africa...
Photograph of Swiss missionaries and African people sitting and standing in the shade of trees.; Pho...
Photograph of Swiss missionaries and African people sitting in the shade of trees. In the background...
"Le repas auprès du Wagon 1901" ("The meal near the Wagon 1901") "Un joyeux pique - nique ! Mme J. L...
"Mlle Grand et famille Rosset en voyage" ("Miss Grand and Rosset family on a journey") Photograph of...
"Pique-nique" ("Picnic") Photograph of a group of Swiss missionaries picnicking in Pretoria. First f...
Photograph of Swiss missionaries on a picnic. In the foreground, on the left, two men sitting on a b...
"En voyage ! Mmes Rosset et J. Liengme" ("Let's go ! Mmes Rosset and J. Liengme") Photograph of Swis...
"Jeunes gens de Mhinga. Mme Rosset" ("Young boys from Mhinga. Mrs Rosset") Photograph of Mrs Rosset ...
Photograph of Swiss missionaries in southern Africa. They wear light colored clothes and look at the...
"Mr Benoît, Miss Molina, Miss Schlub, amis des Loze" ("Mr Benoît, Miss Molina, Miss Schlub, Loze's f...
"Village indigène, près de Mhinga" ("Indigenous village, near Mhinga") Photograph of a Swiss mission...
"Loze et Bovet voyagent" ("Loze and Bovet travel") Photograph of Swiss missionaries, African people ...
Photographs of Swiss missionaries in southern Africa. Top picture: Swiss missionaries on the porch o...
"A Borel, M. & Mme Audéoud, Melle Teuscher, Mlle Keck (Lessouto [Lesotho]), M. & Mme Creux, M. P. Be...
"Nöel chez les lépreux" ("Christmas at the leprous'") Photograph of a Swiss missionary, a few Africa...
Photograph of Swiss missionaries and African people sitting and standing in the shade of trees.; Pho...
Photograph of Swiss missionaries and African people sitting in the shade of trees. In the background...