"Jeteur d'osselets et deux consultants" ("Man who casts bones and two men who are visiting him") Photograph of an African sorcerer with two men who are visiting him. The sorcerer wears a headgear, bracelets and necklaces. Several bones are lying on the ground in front of him. Two men are sitting next to him. The man who sits on his left plays a musical instrument.; Photographie d'un sorcier africain avec deux hommes assis à ses côtés. Il porte une coiffure, des bracelets et des colliers. Des osselets jonchent le sol devant lui. L'homme qui est assis à sa gauche joue d'un instrument de musique
"La coupable est-elle désignée ?" ("Is the guilty woman indicated ?"). Photographie d'une scène de s...
"Ma - tshopi frappant des timbila. Prétoria [Pretoria] 1902" ("Ma - tshopi playing the timbila. Prét...
Photograph of an African man standing in front of a building which is a former movie theater used as...
"Consultation des osselets" ("Casting bones for divination") Photograph of an African sorcerer casti...
" Chez le magicien & ses tinholo (Melle Math. Perrenoud & M. Guye (à dr. femme à la chevelure ochrée...
"Magicien en grande tenue (avec habits européens)" ("Sorcerer in full-dress (with western style clot...
"Makoulane [Makulane]. Magicien et deux acolytes" ("Makoulane [Makulane]. Magician and two acolytes"...
"Pharmacie de Mankhélou [Mankhelou]" ("Pharmacy of Mankhélou [Mankhelou]") Photograph of an African ...
"Zauberer" ("Sorcerer"). Portrait of an African man wearing a fur and feather headdress and a neckla...
"Die Zauberer am Werk[...]" ("The sorcerers at work[...]"). Photograh of an African man and two wome...
"Chez Mondada, (Film du traitement par les magiciens). Le magicien danse, accompagné des mélopées de...
"Visite d'un devin" ("Soothsayer's visit"). "Rikatla [Ricatla]. Les magiciens" ("Rikatla [Ricatla]. ...
"Mparezauberer behandelt einen Kranken. Unten 'Instrumente' und 'Medikamente'" ("Pare sorcerer treat...
"Un devin" ("A soothsayer") Photograph of an African soothsayer. He wears dark colored clothes, neck...
"Portrait d'un vieux païen" ("Portrait of an old pagan") Photograph of a man of African origin. He w...
"La coupable est-elle désignée ?" ("Is the guilty woman indicated ?"). Photographie d'une scène de s...
"Ma - tshopi frappant des timbila. Prétoria [Pretoria] 1902" ("Ma - tshopi playing the timbila. Prét...
Photograph of an African man standing in front of a building which is a former movie theater used as...
"Consultation des osselets" ("Casting bones for divination") Photograph of an African sorcerer casti...
" Chez le magicien & ses tinholo (Melle Math. Perrenoud & M. Guye (à dr. femme à la chevelure ochrée...
"Magicien en grande tenue (avec habits européens)" ("Sorcerer in full-dress (with western style clot...
"Makoulane [Makulane]. Magicien et deux acolytes" ("Makoulane [Makulane]. Magician and two acolytes"...
"Pharmacie de Mankhélou [Mankhelou]" ("Pharmacy of Mankhélou [Mankhelou]") Photograph of an African ...
"Zauberer" ("Sorcerer"). Portrait of an African man wearing a fur and feather headdress and a neckla...
"Die Zauberer am Werk[...]" ("The sorcerers at work[...]"). Photograh of an African man and two wome...
"Chez Mondada, (Film du traitement par les magiciens). Le magicien danse, accompagné des mélopées de...
"Visite d'un devin" ("Soothsayer's visit"). "Rikatla [Ricatla]. Les magiciens" ("Rikatla [Ricatla]. ...
"Mparezauberer behandelt einen Kranken. Unten 'Instrumente' und 'Medikamente'" ("Pare sorcerer treat...
"Un devin" ("A soothsayer") Photograph of an African soothsayer. He wears dark colored clothes, neck...
"Portrait d'un vieux païen" ("Portrait of an old pagan") Photograph of a man of African origin. He w...
"La coupable est-elle désignée ?" ("Is the guilty woman indicated ?"). Photographie d'une scène de s...
"Ma - tshopi frappant des timbila. Prétoria [Pretoria] 1902" ("Ma - tshopi playing the timbila. Prét...
Photograph of an African man standing in front of a building which is a former movie theater used as...