Predmet te diplomske naloge je roman The Millstone avtorice Margaret Drabble. Po žanru delo sodi med ženske vzgojne romane in njegova glavna tematika je materinstvo. Njegova protagonistka je Rosamund Stacey, dobro izobraženo dekle, katere starši so socialisti in pripadajo srednjemu družbenemu sloju, in katera po enem samem spolnem odnosu zanosi ter se odloči, da bo otroka vzgajala sama. Družbene, zgodovinske in biografske okoliščine, ki so vplivale na avtorico, se v knjigi močno odražajo. Glavni poudarek je na prizadevanju glavne junakinje po neodvisnosti, na njeni izkušnji materinstva in notranjih konfliktih, ki izvirajo iz nesoglasij med tradicionalnimi in liberalnimi vrednotami tistega obdobja. Da bi dosegla cilj, sem preučila avtoričino...
Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO, 1993.The main objectives of this dissertation are to establish the traditio...
The aim of this thesis is to show how women’s roles in Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale a...
Hlavním cílem této práce je poskytnout analýzu her Malá rodinná firma od Alana Ayckbourna, Skryté os...
This is a study of female characters in the novels of Margaret Drabble, focused mainly on what they ...
This thesis, which is feminist and historicist in its methodological approaches, explores the social...
Cílem práce je analýza sociálních a rasových dilemat v díle Doris Lessingové, a to v románu Tráva zp...
This essay will argue that Margaret Drabble has developed a pattern, that there is a blueprint for f...
V této diplomové práci je mým úkolem představit Margaret Thatcherovou jako bojovnici proti odborům. ...
This paper is focused on the gender and political issues in 1980s´ Britain in the novel The Radiant ...
Bachelor's thesis focuses on comparison of opinions about Margaret Thatcher's conservative governmen...
Margaret Drabble's Novel “Jerusalem the Golden”: Quest for Female Identity Margaret Drabble is known...
This thesis is focused on investigating the concepts of sex, gender and class and their occurrences ...
The aim of this thesis was to analyse Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale and explore its pr...
The aim of this bachelor paper is to analyse racism, unemployment and homosexuality as they are de...
In rebuffing the standardized role women had traditionally been assigned as wives and mothers, secon...
Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO, 1993.The main objectives of this dissertation are to establish the traditio...
The aim of this thesis is to show how women’s roles in Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale a...
Hlavním cílem této práce je poskytnout analýzu her Malá rodinná firma od Alana Ayckbourna, Skryté os...
This is a study of female characters in the novels of Margaret Drabble, focused mainly on what they ...
This thesis, which is feminist and historicist in its methodological approaches, explores the social...
Cílem práce je analýza sociálních a rasových dilemat v díle Doris Lessingové, a to v románu Tráva zp...
This essay will argue that Margaret Drabble has developed a pattern, that there is a blueprint for f...
V této diplomové práci je mým úkolem představit Margaret Thatcherovou jako bojovnici proti odborům. ...
This paper is focused on the gender and political issues in 1980s´ Britain in the novel The Radiant ...
Bachelor's thesis focuses on comparison of opinions about Margaret Thatcher's conservative governmen...
Margaret Drabble's Novel “Jerusalem the Golden”: Quest for Female Identity Margaret Drabble is known...
This thesis is focused on investigating the concepts of sex, gender and class and their occurrences ...
The aim of this thesis was to analyse Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale and explore its pr...
The aim of this bachelor paper is to analyse racism, unemployment and homosexuality as they are de...
In rebuffing the standardized role women had traditionally been assigned as wives and mothers, secon...
Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO, 1993.The main objectives of this dissertation are to establish the traditio...
The aim of this thesis is to show how women’s roles in Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale a...
Hlavním cílem této práce je poskytnout analýzu her Malá rodinná firma od Alana Ayckbourna, Skryté os...