Moja diplomska naloga se osredotoča na dva romana: Lord of the Flies pisatelja Williama Goldinga in John Dollar pisateljice Marianne Wiggins. Namen je narediti marksistično analizo obeh romanov in dokazati, da se Marxove teorije res lahko uporabijo za vse plasti literarnega dela, ter raziskati, kako Marxove teorije razmerja moči v skupinah veljajo za oba romana. Prav tako sem raziskala tudi odnose med dekleti, Charlotte in Johnom, potem, ko se po potresu znajdejo sami na otoku brez odraslih, in preučila njihovo obnašanje, ko pristanejo v svetu, kjer ni več nobenih pravil, ki jih morajo upoštevati.My thesis focuses on two novels: Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding and John Dollar, written by Marianne Wiggins, and does a Marxist ...
My graduation thesis focuses on two novels: Lois Lowry\u27s Number the Stars and John Boyne\u27s The...
Diplomsko delo, je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega dela in primerjave med literarnim besedilom Hansa Chr...
The thesis deals with two books written by the Scottish authors George Mac Donald and J. M. Barrie. ...
This diploma thesis explores the complex symbolic framework and the allegorical and dystopian nature...
Tématem bakalářské práce je srovnání dvou antiutopických děl, románu My Jevgenije Zamjatina a románu...
Diplomsko delo obravnava in primerja dve izmed najpriljubljenejših fantazijskih del vseh časov, Gosp...
The aim of this study is to evaluate the concepts of sovereignty and bare life in Lord of the Flies ...
Bakalaura darba tēma ir divu dažādos laika periodos rakstītu noveļu: S. Cveiga Šaha noveles un A. Šn...
The main focus of the paper is to describe and analyze the contextual aspects of William Golding's L...
Tema ovoga diplomskog rada je Usporedba 1984. Georgea Orwella i Sluškinjine priče Margaret Atwood. U...
ENGLISH : This study conducts the structural analysis of the female main character and characteri...
This thesis analyzes relationships between father and sons in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman. I...
Savagery in The Inheritors and the Lord of the Flies by William Golding Bachelor thesis, Bc. Miriam ...
Hem Balina kelimesinin ve hem de balerin kelimesinin etimolojik kökeni ‘dönmek’ fiiline işaret etmek...
Naslov ovog rada: „Analiza ženskih rodnih uloga u romanima Ponos i predrasude i Jane Eyre“ ujedno je...
My graduation thesis focuses on two novels: Lois Lowry\u27s Number the Stars and John Boyne\u27s The...
Diplomsko delo, je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega dela in primerjave med literarnim besedilom Hansa Chr...
The thesis deals with two books written by the Scottish authors George Mac Donald and J. M. Barrie. ...
This diploma thesis explores the complex symbolic framework and the allegorical and dystopian nature...
Tématem bakalářské práce je srovnání dvou antiutopických děl, románu My Jevgenije Zamjatina a románu...
Diplomsko delo obravnava in primerja dve izmed najpriljubljenejših fantazijskih del vseh časov, Gosp...
The aim of this study is to evaluate the concepts of sovereignty and bare life in Lord of the Flies ...
Bakalaura darba tēma ir divu dažādos laika periodos rakstītu noveļu: S. Cveiga Šaha noveles un A. Šn...
The main focus of the paper is to describe and analyze the contextual aspects of William Golding's L...
Tema ovoga diplomskog rada je Usporedba 1984. Georgea Orwella i Sluškinjine priče Margaret Atwood. U...
ENGLISH : This study conducts the structural analysis of the female main character and characteri...
This thesis analyzes relationships between father and sons in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman. I...
Savagery in The Inheritors and the Lord of the Flies by William Golding Bachelor thesis, Bc. Miriam ...
Hem Balina kelimesinin ve hem de balerin kelimesinin etimolojik kökeni ‘dönmek’ fiiline işaret etmek...
Naslov ovog rada: „Analiza ženskih rodnih uloga u romanima Ponos i predrasude i Jane Eyre“ ujedno je...
My graduation thesis focuses on two novels: Lois Lowry\u27s Number the Stars and John Boyne\u27s The...
Diplomsko delo, je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega dela in primerjave med literarnim besedilom Hansa Chr...
The thesis deals with two books written by the Scottish authors George Mac Donald and J. M. Barrie. ...