Pojem CLIL (ang. Content and Language Integrated Learning) pomeni poučevanje nejezikovnih predmetov v tujem jeziku, kjer gre za hkratno učenje vsebine učnega predmeta in jezika, v katerem se predmet poučuje. V magistrski nalogi smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika preverjali, kakšna je samopodoba in motivacija učencev pri pouku tujega jezika na razredni stopnji osnovne šole. Primerjali smo ali obstajajo razlike med razredi in med učenci, ki so se učili tujega jezika po metodi CLIL in tistimi, ki so obiskovali jezikovni pouk tujega jezika. Izvedli smo tudi polstrukturiran intervju z izvajalko CLIL-a. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 130 učencev 2. in 3. razreda dveh osnovnih šol. Raziskava temelji na deskriptivni in kavzalno-neeksperimentalni ...
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is presented in the diploma thesis. In the theoretic...
Content and Language Learning (CLIL) is a relatively new approach in teaching language through the ...
With the 1+2 Language Approach manifesting in Scottish schools, it was important for me to undertake...
Funkcionalna večjezičnost kot lastnost jezikovne podobe prebivalcev Evropske unije danes narekuje zn...
V diplomskem delu je predstavljen sodoben pristop k poučevanju tujega jezika CLIL. Navedla sem pomem...
V današnjem času je znanje jezikov vedno bolj zaželeno in nujno. Od posameznikov se pričakuje, da zn...
‘There is little doubt that being educated through the medium of the language you are learning is th...
‘There is little doubt that being educated through the medium of the language you are learning is th...
‘There is little doubt that being educated through the medium of the language you are learning is th...
In our modern multi-cultural world being able to speak more than one language brings many opportunit...
In this modern time, knowledge of languages is very desirable and necessary. Every person is expect...
V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni psihološko-pedagoški in jezikoslovni vidiki učenja in poučevanja ...
V današnjem multikulturnem svetu je znanje jezikov cenjeno in nam omogoča komunikacijo z drugimi lju...
TEZ7516Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2009.Kaynakça (s.53-58) var.x, 80 s. : r...
The diploma thesis is concentrated on CLIL, an innovative method of teaching. It integrates the cont...
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is presented in the diploma thesis. In the theoretic...
Content and Language Learning (CLIL) is a relatively new approach in teaching language through the ...
With the 1+2 Language Approach manifesting in Scottish schools, it was important for me to undertake...
Funkcionalna večjezičnost kot lastnost jezikovne podobe prebivalcev Evropske unije danes narekuje zn...
V diplomskem delu je predstavljen sodoben pristop k poučevanju tujega jezika CLIL. Navedla sem pomem...
V današnjem času je znanje jezikov vedno bolj zaželeno in nujno. Od posameznikov se pričakuje, da zn...
‘There is little doubt that being educated through the medium of the language you are learning is th...
‘There is little doubt that being educated through the medium of the language you are learning is th...
‘There is little doubt that being educated through the medium of the language you are learning is th...
In our modern multi-cultural world being able to speak more than one language brings many opportunit...
In this modern time, knowledge of languages is very desirable and necessary. Every person is expect...
V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni psihološko-pedagoški in jezikoslovni vidiki učenja in poučevanja ...
V današnjem multikulturnem svetu je znanje jezikov cenjeno in nam omogoča komunikacijo z drugimi lju...
TEZ7516Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2009.Kaynakça (s.53-58) var.x, 80 s. : r...
The diploma thesis is concentrated on CLIL, an innovative method of teaching. It integrates the cont...
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is presented in the diploma thesis. In the theoretic...
Content and Language Learning (CLIL) is a relatively new approach in teaching language through the ...
With the 1+2 Language Approach manifesting in Scottish schools, it was important for me to undertake...