Čezmeren vnos natrija oziroma soli je pomemben prehranski dejavnik tveganja za zdravje in eden od glavnih vzrokov za nastanek kronično nenalezljivih bolezni: povišanega krvnega tlaka, bolezni srca in ožilja, bolezni ledvic, sladkorne bolezni, čezmerne hranjenosti in debelosti ter nekaterih vrst raka. Z magistrskim delom smo želeli ugotoviti in prikazati obstoječe stanje uživanja natrija in kalija pri odraslih prebivalcih zahodne Slovenije ter predstaviti problematiko prekomernega vnosa soli kot pomembnega prehranskega dejavnika tveganja za zdravje. Raziskovalna metodologija: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji, uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela. Za pregled literature in analizo so bile uporabljene primerjalne, p...
Hypertension is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular events and death. A reduction in salt intak...
The work deals with the issue of high salt intake in the diet and with health complications that are...
Aim. To study the association of blood pressure (BP) and hypertension (HTN) with salt intake estimat...
Objective: To investigate average sodium excretion in 24 h urine as a marker for salt intake in the ...
In Morocco, the high consumption of dietary sodium increases the risk of non-communicable diseases (...
CILJ: Cilj je istraživanja bio izračunati dnevni unos kuhinjske soli iz vrijednosti 24-satne natriju...
Veliki broj studija pokazao je da je povećan unos soli značajan čimbenik rizika kako za kardiovaskul...
Excess salt and inadequate potassium intakes are associated with high cardiovascular disease (CVD). ...
In Morocco, the high consumption of dietary sodium increases the risk of non-communicable diseases (...
Uvod: Visok krvni tlak predstavlja enega večjih zdravstvenih problemov modernega sveta. V hitrem tem...
Veliki broj studija pokazao je da je povećan unos soli značajan faktor rizika kako za kardiovaskular...
Preporučeni dnevni unos soli hranom je 5 do 6 g, a prekoračenje predstavlja rizik za hipertenziju od...
Background and objective: High dietary sodium intake is associated with multiple health risks, and t...
High sodium intake and inadequate potassium intake are associated with high blood pressure. The elde...
Hypertension is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular events and death. A reduction in salt intak...
Hypertension is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular events and death. A reduction in salt intak...
The work deals with the issue of high salt intake in the diet and with health complications that are...
Aim. To study the association of blood pressure (BP) and hypertension (HTN) with salt intake estimat...
Objective: To investigate average sodium excretion in 24 h urine as a marker for salt intake in the ...
In Morocco, the high consumption of dietary sodium increases the risk of non-communicable diseases (...
CILJ: Cilj je istraživanja bio izračunati dnevni unos kuhinjske soli iz vrijednosti 24-satne natriju...
Veliki broj studija pokazao je da je povećan unos soli značajan čimbenik rizika kako za kardiovaskul...
Excess salt and inadequate potassium intakes are associated with high cardiovascular disease (CVD). ...
In Morocco, the high consumption of dietary sodium increases the risk of non-communicable diseases (...
Uvod: Visok krvni tlak predstavlja enega večjih zdravstvenih problemov modernega sveta. V hitrem tem...
Veliki broj studija pokazao je da je povećan unos soli značajan faktor rizika kako za kardiovaskular...
Preporučeni dnevni unos soli hranom je 5 do 6 g, a prekoračenje predstavlja rizik za hipertenziju od...
Background and objective: High dietary sodium intake is associated with multiple health risks, and t...
High sodium intake and inadequate potassium intake are associated with high blood pressure. The elde...
Hypertension is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular events and death. A reduction in salt intak...
Hypertension is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular events and death. A reduction in salt intak...
The work deals with the issue of high salt intake in the diet and with health complications that are...
Aim. To study the association of blood pressure (BP) and hypertension (HTN) with salt intake estimat...