V diplomskem delu so opisani in testirani štirje algoritmi za prepoznavo črtne kode ter primerjava med njimi. Algoritma 1 in 2 sta plod lastne ideje, medtem ko je algoritem 3 povzet po akademskem članku, algoritem Zxing pa je odprtokoden algoritem za prepoznavo črtne kode na mnogih platformah. Primerjali smo algoritme po uspešnosti in hitrosti prepoznave ne enakem naboru testnih slik.This diploma describes four algorithms for recognizing barcode and presents test results and comparison between them. Algorithm 1 and 2 are the result of my own idea, while Algorithm 3 summarizes the academic paper. The last algorithm, Zxing is an open source algorithm for recognizing barcodes on many platforms. We compared the performance of algorithms and th...