Predmet diplomskega dela je idejna arhitekturna zasnova objekta hiša kulture in njegova umestitev v prostor Trga svobode v Mariboru. Bistvo diplomske naloge je torej v predstavitvi idejne arhitekturne zasnove objekta hiše kulture na Trgu svobode, s katerim bi obogatili kulturno ponudbo mesta Maribor v času projekta: Maribor 2012 – Evropska prestolnica kulture.The thesis subject of this diploma is a conceptual architectural design of the cultural centre and its geographical location in The Trg svobode Square area in Maribor. The essence of the thesis is therefore the presentation outline of the architectural design of the building of the Cultural Centre in The Trg svobode Square in Maribor in order to enrich the cultural offerings of Maribo...