V diplomskem delu smo preverjali živost semen kukavičevk, nabranih na področju Slovenije, in shranjenih v semenski banki Botaničnega vrta v Ljubljani. Za preverjanje živosti 21 vrst kukavičevk, nabranih med leti 2007 in 2012, smo preiskusili in primerjali dve metodi: metodo s terazolijevim kloridom (TTC) in fluorescein diacetatom (FDA). Metoda FDA se je izkazala za primernejšorezultati živosti semen so bili zelo variabilni in so znašali od 0,5 do 100 %. Da bi preverili ali živost semen pomeni tudi kalivost, smo se odločili, da kalimo eno izmed posredovanih kukavičevk tudi aseptično kalimo. Izbrali smo kukavičevko lepi čeveljc. Čeprav smo preizkusili 3 različna gojišča, nobeno od semen ni uspešno kalilo.We tested the viability of orchid seed...
In vitro cultivation techniques are viable alternatives for the germination and production of orchid...
Paphiopedilum liemianum Fowlie, is a terrestrial orchid species and endemic in Northern Sumatra, Ind...
The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract The popu...
Semena kukavičevk asimbiontsko kalijo samo, če so živa. Če niso, ne kalijo, kljub ustreznemu gojišču...
Orhideje su biljke većinom porijeklom iz tropskih prašuma gdje rastu kao epifiti. Mogu biti trajno z...
Orchid species are endangered worldwide due to human intervention. Therefore, it is necessary to ana...
Objective: The objective of this work was to analyze the viability and germination of Dichromanthus ...
<p>Artificial propagation of endangered orchid species is one of the most important actions of conse...
Navadna barvilnica (Phytolacca americana) in krhljasta barvilnica (P. acinosa) sta v Sloveniji invaz...
An essential factor for the formation of a native orchid seed bank is the identification of the viab...
The survey presented in this thesis focused on germination of six orchid species in the Protected la...
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Assessing seed quality in orchids has been hindered by stringent germination...
Determining the seed quality and germination requirements for threatened orchid species in storage i...
Orchids are nature's most extravagant group of flowering plants distributed throughout the world fro...
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena damašćanske crnjike (Nigella...
In vitro cultivation techniques are viable alternatives for the germination and production of orchid...
Paphiopedilum liemianum Fowlie, is a terrestrial orchid species and endemic in Northern Sumatra, Ind...
The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract The popu...
Semena kukavičevk asimbiontsko kalijo samo, če so živa. Če niso, ne kalijo, kljub ustreznemu gojišču...
Orhideje su biljke većinom porijeklom iz tropskih prašuma gdje rastu kao epifiti. Mogu biti trajno z...
Orchid species are endangered worldwide due to human intervention. Therefore, it is necessary to ana...
Objective: The objective of this work was to analyze the viability and germination of Dichromanthus ...
<p>Artificial propagation of endangered orchid species is one of the most important actions of conse...
Navadna barvilnica (Phytolacca americana) in krhljasta barvilnica (P. acinosa) sta v Sloveniji invaz...
An essential factor for the formation of a native orchid seed bank is the identification of the viab...
The survey presented in this thesis focused on germination of six orchid species in the Protected la...
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Assessing seed quality in orchids has been hindered by stringent germination...
Determining the seed quality and germination requirements for threatened orchid species in storage i...
Orchids are nature's most extravagant group of flowering plants distributed throughout the world fro...
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena damašćanske crnjike (Nigella...
In vitro cultivation techniques are viable alternatives for the germination and production of orchid...
Paphiopedilum liemianum Fowlie, is a terrestrial orchid species and endemic in Northern Sumatra, Ind...
The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract The popu...