Inkontinenca je problem, ki pogosto predstavlja osebno stisko. Mnogi ji niso kos, saj otežuje njihove življenjske aktivnosti. Ob tem trpijo tudi medosebni odnosi v krogu ljudi, ki skrbijo za osebo z oslabljenim mehurjem in spremljajočimi težavami. Oseba z inkontinenco se pogosto počuti manjvredna, zaradi česar o svojih težavah posledično nerada govori ali pa sploh ne govori.Incontinence represents a problem that is frequently accompanied by personal distress, which many affected people find hard to cope with as it makes the carrying out of daily chores and activities more difficult. At the same time the interpersonal relationships within the cicle of people caring for an incontinent person can suffer. A person, suffering from incontinence, ...