Namen disertacije je bil določitev realnih izhodišč za oceno vnosa nitratov s svežo, skladiščeno in procesirano zelenjavo in postavitev smernic za njegovo zmanjšanje. V ta namen smo validirali metodi za določanje nitratov s tekočinsko kromatografijo: EN 12014-4 in metodo po Chengu in Tsangu ter ju primerjali s standardno spektrofotometrično metodo EN 12014-7. Z validiranimi metodami smo določili vsebnost nitratov v vzorcih solate (Lactuca sativa L.), regrata (Taraxacum officinale agg. F.H. Wigg), špinače (Spinacia oleracea L.), belega zelja (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. convar. capitata (L.) Alef. var. capitata L. fo. alba DC.), rdeče pese (Beta vulgaris L. su...
The aim of the work was to determine the concentration of nitrites in vegetable products (tomatoes, ...
The use of nitrogen fertilizers is one of the main effects for the accumulation of nitrates in plant...
The accumulation of nitrates in vegetables and fruits is subject to factors such as applied agricul...
Značajan pokazatelj kvalitete povrća je količina nitrata (NO3-) u njemu. Namirnice biljnog porijekl...
Nitrati su zbog načina proizvodnje, potrebe za gnojidbom i drugim proizvodnim čimbenicima neizbježan...
V magistrskem delu smo predstavili koncentracije nitratov v listnati zelenjavi - zeleni solati, endi...
Cilj naše raziskave je bil statistično ovrednotiti učinke kuhinjskih procesnih tehnik na vsebnost ni...
Background. Vegetables constitute a vital part of the human diet, being the main source of minerals,...
Nitrati u tlu su ionski oblik dušika koji nastaje u ciklusu kruženja dušika. Nitrati iz tla imaju v...
Cilj naše raziskave je bil določiti dinamiko spreminjanja vsebnosti nitratov v korenju (Daucus carot...
U ovom radu su određivani nitrati u povrću HPLC analitičkom metodom. Nitrati su grupe spojeva koji s...
The aim of the work was to determine the concentration of nitrites in vegetable products (tomatoes, ...
The aim of the present study was to determine concentration of nitrate in Lithuanian and other leafy...
W pracy oznaczono stężenia azotanów(V) i (III) oraz fosforanów w marchewkach, pietruszkach, ogórkach...
Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena jakości wybranych warzyw: sałat, szpinaku oraz rukoli na podstawie...
The aim of the work was to determine the concentration of nitrites in vegetable products (tomatoes, ...
The use of nitrogen fertilizers is one of the main effects for the accumulation of nitrates in plant...
The accumulation of nitrates in vegetables and fruits is subject to factors such as applied agricul...
Značajan pokazatelj kvalitete povrća je količina nitrata (NO3-) u njemu. Namirnice biljnog porijekl...
Nitrati su zbog načina proizvodnje, potrebe za gnojidbom i drugim proizvodnim čimbenicima neizbježan...
V magistrskem delu smo predstavili koncentracije nitratov v listnati zelenjavi - zeleni solati, endi...
Cilj naše raziskave je bil statistično ovrednotiti učinke kuhinjskih procesnih tehnik na vsebnost ni...
Background. Vegetables constitute a vital part of the human diet, being the main source of minerals,...
Nitrati u tlu su ionski oblik dušika koji nastaje u ciklusu kruženja dušika. Nitrati iz tla imaju v...
Cilj naše raziskave je bil določiti dinamiko spreminjanja vsebnosti nitratov v korenju (Daucus carot...
U ovom radu su određivani nitrati u povrću HPLC analitičkom metodom. Nitrati su grupe spojeva koji s...
The aim of the work was to determine the concentration of nitrites in vegetable products (tomatoes, ...
The aim of the present study was to determine concentration of nitrate in Lithuanian and other leafy...
W pracy oznaczono stężenia azotanów(V) i (III) oraz fosforanów w marchewkach, pietruszkach, ogórkach...
Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena jakości wybranych warzyw: sałat, szpinaku oraz rukoli na podstawie...
The aim of the work was to determine the concentration of nitrites in vegetable products (tomatoes, ...
The use of nitrogen fertilizers is one of the main effects for the accumulation of nitrates in plant...
The accumulation of nitrates in vegetables and fruits is subject to factors such as applied agricul...