Angleški jezik je zelo dovzeten za nove besede, ki nastajajo dan za dnem. Ta proces je zelo dobrodošel saj dokazuje da je jezik živ, prilagodljiv in se razvija. Nove besede nastajajo v kombinaciji že obstoječih besed z že prav tako obstoječimi besedami, predponami in priponami, z namenom doseči določeno potrebo ali združiti podobna pomena. Diploma se osredotoča na skupino novih besed, ki se imenujejo sklopljeni krni. Predstavila bo njihovo mesto v besedotvorju, njihovo tvorbo in strukturo. S pomočjo zgodovinske analize bom določila v katerem obdobju je nastalo največ sklopljenih krnov. Diploma bo prav tako obravnavala besedne vrste v katere sklopljeni krni spadajo in pa semantične razrede, ki jim pripadajo. V zadnjem delu sem uveljavljene i...
Recognisability is one of the major constraints that most linguists place on lexical blends and thei...
The paper covers semantics and different functions of blends in German language. This issue is relev...
This paper deals with the morphological theory in second language acquisition with a focus on compou...
Blending is a word-formation process where a new word is made by combining two or more words. The ne...
he paper qualitatively and quantitatively analyses the structural and semantic aspects of 250 new Se...
The purpose of this article is to look into the blending process in English. The research investigat...
The nature, types and general structural and lexical features of blends are considered. The nature, ...
Titel: New Blends in the English Language Författare: Anna Enarsson Antal sidor: 29 Abstract: The ai...
Monografia jest poświęcona kontaminacji leksykalnej jako zjawisku językowemu oznaczającemu łączenie ...
It is not coincidental that blend words (e. g. nutriceutical ← nutricious + pharmaceutical, blizzast...
The focus of this article is a morphological process in English that is commonly referred to as (lex...
Stopljenice kao vrsta neologizma nastaju spajanjem dviju ili čak tri punoznačnih riječi. Prisutne su...
Kagrestkos and brzoskwiśnia. Selected aspects of the structure of lexical blendsThe paper deals with...
Lexical blends have long been of interest to those studying English linguistics. There is something ...
Along with neologisms, formed by established and well-documented word formation patterns in the Croa...
Recognisability is one of the major constraints that most linguists place on lexical blends and thei...
The paper covers semantics and different functions of blends in German language. This issue is relev...
This paper deals with the morphological theory in second language acquisition with a focus on compou...
Blending is a word-formation process where a new word is made by combining two or more words. The ne...
he paper qualitatively and quantitatively analyses the structural and semantic aspects of 250 new Se...
The purpose of this article is to look into the blending process in English. The research investigat...
The nature, types and general structural and lexical features of blends are considered. The nature, ...
Titel: New Blends in the English Language Författare: Anna Enarsson Antal sidor: 29 Abstract: The ai...
Monografia jest poświęcona kontaminacji leksykalnej jako zjawisku językowemu oznaczającemu łączenie ...
It is not coincidental that blend words (e. g. nutriceutical ← nutricious + pharmaceutical, blizzast...
The focus of this article is a morphological process in English that is commonly referred to as (lex...
Stopljenice kao vrsta neologizma nastaju spajanjem dviju ili čak tri punoznačnih riječi. Prisutne su...
Kagrestkos and brzoskwiśnia. Selected aspects of the structure of lexical blendsThe paper deals with...
Lexical blends have long been of interest to those studying English linguistics. There is something ...
Along with neologisms, formed by established and well-documented word formation patterns in the Croa...
Recognisability is one of the major constraints that most linguists place on lexical blends and thei...
The paper covers semantics and different functions of blends in German language. This issue is relev...
This paper deals with the morphological theory in second language acquisition with a focus on compou...