Pozitivne spremembe v Sovjetski zvezi po smrti Stalina se na Madžarskem niso v celoti odražale. Kljub temu, da je vlada Imreja Nagya v letih 1954-55 začela z reformami, je ponovni vzpon Rákosija na oblast le-te ustavila. Nezadovoljstvo državljanov je pod vplivom 20. kongresa KP SZ in dogodkov oktobra 1956 na Poljskem privedlo do demonstracij 23. oktobra 1956, ki so pod spletom okoliščin prerasle v oboroženo vstajo. Po intervenciji rdeče armade in ponovnem prihodu Nagya na oblast je kazalo, da se bodo dogodki na Madžarskem mirno razpletli, vendar je vse bolj očitna demokratizacija političnega življenja in opustitev monopola Partije Sovjetsko vodstvo prisilila k novemu vojaškemu posegu, ki je revolucijo popolnoma zatrl, na čelo nove vlade pa ...
This thesis will have four main objectives. (1) A descriptive and logical summary of the events lead...
The Hungarian Revolution is often analysed in a national context or from the angle of Hungarian-Sovi...
In 1956, the Czechoslovak authorities successfully suppressed all traces of a potential uprising. It...
Práca charakterizuje udalosti, ktoré viedli k vypuknutí revolúcie v Maďarsku v roku 1956. Podrobne p...
Pod pojmom zgodovina običajno razumemo tiste vidike preteklosti, ki raziskujejo človeško vedenje sko...
The fate of East-Central Europe until the fall of the communist regimes was determined by the status...
Darbā uzmanība tiek veltīta Ungārijas 1956. gada un 1968. gada Čehoslovākijas reformu mēģinājumu kop...
Jan Adamec, Hungary 1956: from a reform of socialism to a national uprising Dizertační práce Univerz...
Statement of the Soviet Government, October 30, 1956 Imre Nagy: Last Message, November 4, 195
Táto bakalárska práca analyzuje udalosti maďarského povstania roku na jeseň roku 1956 a s ním súvisi...
Ko je marca 1953 umrl Josif Visarionovič Stalin, je bilo v Sovjetski zvezi zaznati veliko žalost in ...
After the collapse of Yugoslav – Soviet relations in 1948, Yugoslavia was forced to change its forei...
In 1956, the Czechoslovak authorities successfully suppressed all traces of a potential uprising. I...
The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 undeniably constitutes the internationally most renowned chapter of...
Progress of the events of 1956 in the Polish People's Republic and the conclusive tense relations o...
This thesis will have four main objectives. (1) A descriptive and logical summary of the events lead...
The Hungarian Revolution is often analysed in a national context or from the angle of Hungarian-Sovi...
In 1956, the Czechoslovak authorities successfully suppressed all traces of a potential uprising. It...
Práca charakterizuje udalosti, ktoré viedli k vypuknutí revolúcie v Maďarsku v roku 1956. Podrobne p...
Pod pojmom zgodovina običajno razumemo tiste vidike preteklosti, ki raziskujejo človeško vedenje sko...
The fate of East-Central Europe until the fall of the communist regimes was determined by the status...
Darbā uzmanība tiek veltīta Ungārijas 1956. gada un 1968. gada Čehoslovākijas reformu mēģinājumu kop...
Jan Adamec, Hungary 1956: from a reform of socialism to a national uprising Dizertační práce Univerz...
Statement of the Soviet Government, October 30, 1956 Imre Nagy: Last Message, November 4, 195
Táto bakalárska práca analyzuje udalosti maďarského povstania roku na jeseň roku 1956 a s ním súvisi...
Ko je marca 1953 umrl Josif Visarionovič Stalin, je bilo v Sovjetski zvezi zaznati veliko žalost in ...
After the collapse of Yugoslav – Soviet relations in 1948, Yugoslavia was forced to change its forei...
In 1956, the Czechoslovak authorities successfully suppressed all traces of a potential uprising. I...
The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 undeniably constitutes the internationally most renowned chapter of...
Progress of the events of 1956 in the Polish People's Republic and the conclusive tense relations o...
This thesis will have four main objectives. (1) A descriptive and logical summary of the events lead...
The Hungarian Revolution is often analysed in a national context or from the angle of Hungarian-Sovi...
In 1956, the Czechoslovak authorities successfully suppressed all traces of a potential uprising. It...