Vse več ljudi se sooča s poškodbami hrbtenice. Otroci niso izjema in starost pri kateri že tožijo za bolečinami v hrbtu je vedno nižja. Čeprav obstajajo standardi za oblikovanje šolskih stolov in se jih oblikovalci držijo, ostaja problem zagotoviti ustrezen stol za posameznega učenca glede na njegove antropometrične značilnosti. V diplomskem delu smo primerjali antropometrične značilnosti ljubljanskih otrok z otroki, ki obiskujejo Osnovno šolo Cvetka Golarja. Zbrane meritve telesne višine učencev smo primerjali z velikostjo stolov, ki jih uporabljajo. Poiskali smo vzroke za težave s hrbtenico, ki lahko prizadanejo otroke. Prikazali smo rešitve, ki bodo pripomogle k bolj kakovostnemu sedenju otrok in ne bodo preveč posegale v šolski proračun...
The discomfort due to poor sitting posture may be related to the lack of suitability of the furnitur...
Introduction: School tables and chairs are needed amongst many other facilities which support the te...
In this study, the necessary anthropometric measurements of classroom furniture used in Turkish high...
The present study aimed at determining the relationship of anthropometric dimensions of pupils from ...
The aim of the research was to explore the size suitability of school furnishings with the help of a...
TEZ8227Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2010.Kaynakça (s. 109-112) var.xiii, 152...
The characteristics of school furniture are strongly associated with back and neck pain,...
Background: Back pain is common in secondary school students. If we adjust the school furniture to t...
Dissertation deals with the evaluation requirements for school furniture in terms of interacting div...
The aim of the research was to identify adequacy of school furniture dimensions with the help of ant...
Adequate school furniture is important to prevent musculoskeletal discomfort among students. The aim...
Introduction: Children have been known to spend most of their time at school. They learn their sitti...
Namen raziskave je bil ugotavljanje telesne obremenjenosti učencev v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem ob...
Considering the amount of time students spend in the classroom predominantly in a sitting position, ...
Teoretična izhodišča: V diplomskem delu je predstavljena človekova telesna drža, ki je lahko nepravi...
The discomfort due to poor sitting posture may be related to the lack of suitability of the furnitur...
Introduction: School tables and chairs are needed amongst many other facilities which support the te...
In this study, the necessary anthropometric measurements of classroom furniture used in Turkish high...
The present study aimed at determining the relationship of anthropometric dimensions of pupils from ...
The aim of the research was to explore the size suitability of school furnishings with the help of a...
TEZ8227Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2010.Kaynakça (s. 109-112) var.xiii, 152...
The characteristics of school furniture are strongly associated with back and neck pain,...
Background: Back pain is common in secondary school students. If we adjust the school furniture to t...
Dissertation deals with the evaluation requirements for school furniture in terms of interacting div...
The aim of the research was to identify adequacy of school furniture dimensions with the help of ant...
Adequate school furniture is important to prevent musculoskeletal discomfort among students. The aim...
Introduction: Children have been known to spend most of their time at school. They learn their sitti...
Namen raziskave je bil ugotavljanje telesne obremenjenosti učencev v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem ob...
Considering the amount of time students spend in the classroom predominantly in a sitting position, ...
Teoretična izhodišča: V diplomskem delu je predstavljena človekova telesna drža, ki je lahko nepravi...
The discomfort due to poor sitting posture may be related to the lack of suitability of the furnitur...
Introduction: School tables and chairs are needed amongst many other facilities which support the te...
In this study, the necessary anthropometric measurements of classroom furniture used in Turkish high...