[[abstract]]本文在發展一演算法用於胸腔放射影像之肺部腫瘤,偵測可疑腫瘤的可能存在部位,提供醫師做為參考。方法上以差值影像為基礎,以似圓性來圈選可疑腫瘤區域,然後再利用生理資訊(灰階度判斷是否鈣化,位置判斷是否為縱膈…等)及利用監督式的倒傳遞類神經網路對圈選出來的可疑區域進行處理而減少FP 數目。此外,也藉由臨床醫師之協助比較系統與傳統人工判讀之區別。系統除了提供面積之計算外,在假體測試中均成功的測得目標物。在真實影像之測量中,在閥值為30%條件下,對一般腫瘤較少的病人其敏感度均能達到1。對腫瘤較多之影像,在閥值為32%條件下,其敏感度可以達到0.96667。與其他系統比較中,本系統的FP 數較少,且準確性較高。 In this paper, algorithms were developed to detect lung nodules on chest radiological image, and mark possible region of suspicious nodules for doctor's diagnosis. The detecting method was based on difference image and marked all suspicious nodules regions by circularity at difference image. Then, two algorithms were used on the suspicious regions for reducing the number of false positive(FP). A biological information which is det...
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in developed countries. To support radi...
1)We investigated the clinical efficacy ofDES technique using FPD chest radiography systems in the d...
Bu bildiride akciğer BT taramalarında otomatik nodül tespiti yapmak üzere geliştirdigimiz yeni ve öz...
九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:工博甲第275号 学位授与年月日:平成21年3月25日第1 章 序論| 第2 章 動的輪郭モデルを用いた胸部CT 画像の肺領域の自動セグメンテーション| 第3 章...
この研究の目的は, 胸部結節陰影の検出のための画像診断において白黒高精細CRTモニタ (1600×1200ピクセル) の代わりに汎用のカラーCRTモニタ (1280×1024ピクセル) を使用した場合...
目的 探讨双能量减影和计算机辅助诊断在DR胸片中检出肺结节的意义.方法 21例经CT检查证实肺内有小结节的患者,分析使用双能量减影和计算机辅助诊断与不使用任何软件技术的常规DR胸片阅读的比较,评价使用...
This paper summarizes the literature on computer-aided detection (CAD) systems used to identify and ...
目的 比较64排螺旋CT对肺结节三维体积测量与二维直径测量的准确性.方法 选取接受64排螺旋CT(64-de-tector spiral CT,MDCT)胸部扫描并发现实性肺结节的病人33例(女18例...
3 pages, 4 figures; Proceedings of the IEEE NNS and MIC Conference, Oct. 29 - Nov. 4, 2006, San Dieg...
PURPOSE: We investigated the capabilities of an artificial neural network-based Computer-Aided Diag...
In this study, a computer-aided detection system was developed for detection and investigation of l...
Lung cancer is a type of cancer that spreads rapidly and is the leading cause of mortality globally....
none5We apply advanced pattern recognition methods to detect nodules in lung.mixedA.Riccardi;T.S.Pet...
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in developed countries. To support radi...
1)We investigated the clinical efficacy ofDES technique using FPD chest radiography systems in the d...
Bu bildiride akciğer BT taramalarında otomatik nodül tespiti yapmak üzere geliştirdigimiz yeni ve öz...
九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:工博甲第275号 学位授与年月日:平成21年3月25日第1 章 序論| 第2 章 動的輪郭モデルを用いた胸部CT 画像の肺領域の自動セグメンテーション| 第3 章...
この研究の目的は, 胸部結節陰影の検出のための画像診断において白黒高精細CRTモニタ (1600×1200ピクセル) の代わりに汎用のカラーCRTモニタ (1280×1024ピクセル) を使用した場合...
目的 探讨双能量减影和计算机辅助诊断在DR胸片中检出肺结节的意义.方法 21例经CT检查证实肺内有小结节的患者,分析使用双能量减影和计算机辅助诊断与不使用任何软件技术的常规DR胸片阅读的比较,评价使用...
This paper summarizes the literature on computer-aided detection (CAD) systems used to identify and ...
目的 比较64排螺旋CT对肺结节三维体积测量与二维直径测量的准确性.方法 选取接受64排螺旋CT(64-de-tector spiral CT,MDCT)胸部扫描并发现实性肺结节的病人33例(女18例...
3 pages, 4 figures; Proceedings of the IEEE NNS and MIC Conference, Oct. 29 - Nov. 4, 2006, San Dieg...
PURPOSE: We investigated the capabilities of an artificial neural network-based Computer-Aided Diag...
In this study, a computer-aided detection system was developed for detection and investigation of l...
Lung cancer is a type of cancer that spreads rapidly and is the leading cause of mortality globally....
none5We apply advanced pattern recognition methods to detect nodules in lung.mixedA.Riccardi;T.S.Pet...
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in developed countries. To support radi...
1)We investigated the clinical efficacy ofDES technique using FPD chest radiography systems in the d...
Bu bildiride akciğer BT taramalarında otomatik nodül tespiti yapmak üzere geliştirdigimiz yeni ve öz...