Verse in praise of Ajñavadi.Verse in praise of Ajñavadi.Mode of access: Internet
Közreadja a Jókai Mór ötven éves irói jubileuma alkalmából alakult bizottság.Mode of access...
His sayings, comp. by his disciple Muʻīn al-Dīn Ḥasan Chishtī.Mode of access: Internet
Speech requiring reforms in the Tanavanika association.Speech requiring reforms in the Tanavanika as...
Poetry in praise of Shanmugam, at Mayuragiri, South India.Poetry in praise of Shanmugam, at Mayuragi...
In verse."A m. akadémia által Nádasdy-díjjal jutalmazott mű."Mode of access: Internet
Vedanta poem of 100 veṇpā stanzas.Vedanta poem of 100 veṇpā stanzas.Mode of access: Internet
Verse work of 100 stanzas on virtue by Ampalavāṇak Kavirāyar, with commentary.Verse work of 100 s...
Hindu philosophy in verse formHindu philosophy in verse formMode of access: Internet
Verse work on Vishnu (Hindu deity), worshipped at Tirumāliruñcōlaimalai near Maturai.Verse work o...
A poem to the goddess turōpatai (Draupadi)A poem to the goddess turōpatai (Draupadi)Mode of access...
Antāti poem of 100 stanzas in veṇpā metre on the Siva shrine of Karivalamvantanallūr.Antāti poe...
Title on added t.p.: Srî Mālinivijaya vârttikam of Abhinava Gupta.In Sanskrit; pref. in English.M...
Verse work in praise of Siva (Hindu deity) enshrined at Madurai, Tamil Nadu.Verse work in praise of ...
A catechism on religious practice.A catechism on religious practice.Mode of access: Internet
Az Athenaeum regénypályázatán jutalomdíjjal kitüntetett munka.Mode of access: Internet
Közreadja a Jókai Mór ötven éves irói jubileuma alkalmából alakult bizottság.Mode of access...
His sayings, comp. by his disciple Muʻīn al-Dīn Ḥasan Chishtī.Mode of access: Internet
Speech requiring reforms in the Tanavanika association.Speech requiring reforms in the Tanavanika as...
Poetry in praise of Shanmugam, at Mayuragiri, South India.Poetry in praise of Shanmugam, at Mayuragi...
In verse."A m. akadémia által Nádasdy-díjjal jutalmazott mű."Mode of access: Internet
Vedanta poem of 100 veṇpā stanzas.Vedanta poem of 100 veṇpā stanzas.Mode of access: Internet
Verse work of 100 stanzas on virtue by Ampalavāṇak Kavirāyar, with commentary.Verse work of 100 s...
Hindu philosophy in verse formHindu philosophy in verse formMode of access: Internet
Verse work on Vishnu (Hindu deity), worshipped at Tirumāliruñcōlaimalai near Maturai.Verse work o...
A poem to the goddess turōpatai (Draupadi)A poem to the goddess turōpatai (Draupadi)Mode of access...
Antāti poem of 100 stanzas in veṇpā metre on the Siva shrine of Karivalamvantanallūr.Antāti poe...
Title on added t.p.: Srî Mālinivijaya vârttikam of Abhinava Gupta.In Sanskrit; pref. in English.M...
Verse work in praise of Siva (Hindu deity) enshrined at Madurai, Tamil Nadu.Verse work in praise of ...
A catechism on religious practice.A catechism on religious practice.Mode of access: Internet
Az Athenaeum regénypályázatán jutalomdíjjal kitüntetett munka.Mode of access: Internet
Közreadja a Jókai Mór ötven éves irói jubileuma alkalmából alakult bizottság.Mode of access...
His sayings, comp. by his disciple Muʻīn al-Dīn Ḥasan Chishtī.Mode of access: Internet
Speech requiring reforms in the Tanavanika association.Speech requiring reforms in the Tanavanika as...