Added title-pages, illus.v.1. The brownie of Bodsbeck. The wool-gatherer. The surpassing adventures of Allan Gordon. A tale of Pentland. Ewan MʻGabhar.--v.2. The bridal of Polmood. Storms. A shepherd's wedding. Country dreams and apparitions. A story of good Queen Bess. Sound morality. Trials of temper. The fords of Callum. The Cameronian preacher's tale.--v.3. The hunt of Eildon. The adventures of Basil Lee. Adam Bell. Duncan Campbell. An old soldier's tale. Katie Cheyne. The long pack. A country funeral. The shepherd's calendar.--v.4. The shepherd's calendar (continued) Emigration. The two highlanders. The watchmaker. A story of the forty-six. A tale of the martyrs. Adam Scott. The baron St. Gio. The mysterious bride. Nature's magic lante...