Mode of access: Internet.Title varies: Bericht, Comptes-rendus, Proceedings, Rapports, Rapporto or Conferencias.Reports for issued by the congress under an earlier name: International Congress for Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases
At head of title: VIème Congrès International de Navigation Intérieure. La Haye 1894. VI. Internatio...
Language of Title Varies: Comptes Rendus, Bericht. Some Vols. Have Title: ActesMode of access: Inter...
At head of title: Société des nations.Vols. for some years issued in pts.Mode of access: Internet
Published for the Congress by various publishers in countries where conferences held.Some Congresses...
Title varies: Bulletin, Comptes rendus, Report of proceedings, etc.Proceedings for the 8th congress ...
Mode of access: Internet.Title varies: Verhandlungen, Comptes Rendus or Actes.Proceedings for 1952 i...
At head of title: VIIe Congrès international de navigation, Bruxelles, 1898. VII. Internationaler s...
Title varies slightly.Reports and proceedings published in its Journal, vols. 10-17, 1934/35-1940/41...
Title varies slightly.First and second reports issued together.Mode of access: Internet
At head of title: Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses.Mode of access: Inter...
Mode of access: Internet.Issued by the conference under its earlier name: President's Conference on ...
Mode of access: Internet.Title varies: 1885- called Proceedings of the annual meeting; from calle...
Vol. 3 has title: Reports of the proceedings in committees of the House of Commons, upon controverte...
Vols. for contain the Report of the proceedings of the Board of Control.Vols. for contain the Report...
Title varies: Actas, Actes, Anais, Annaes, Atti, Compte-rendu, Selected papers or Verhandlungen.Mode...
At head of title: VIème Congrès International de Navigation Intérieure. La Haye 1894. VI. Internatio...
Language of Title Varies: Comptes Rendus, Bericht. Some Vols. Have Title: ActesMode of access: Inter...
At head of title: Société des nations.Vols. for some years issued in pts.Mode of access: Internet
Published for the Congress by various publishers in countries where conferences held.Some Congresses...
Title varies: Bulletin, Comptes rendus, Report of proceedings, etc.Proceedings for the 8th congress ...
Mode of access: Internet.Title varies: Verhandlungen, Comptes Rendus or Actes.Proceedings for 1952 i...
At head of title: VIIe Congrès international de navigation, Bruxelles, 1898. VII. Internationaler s...
Title varies slightly.Reports and proceedings published in its Journal, vols. 10-17, 1934/35-1940/41...
Title varies slightly.First and second reports issued together.Mode of access: Internet
At head of title: Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses.Mode of access: Inter...
Mode of access: Internet.Issued by the conference under its earlier name: President's Conference on ...
Mode of access: Internet.Title varies: 1885- called Proceedings of the annual meeting; from calle...
Vol. 3 has title: Reports of the proceedings in committees of the House of Commons, upon controverte...
Vols. for contain the Report of the proceedings of the Board of Control.Vols. for contain the Report...
Title varies: Actas, Actes, Anais, Annaes, Atti, Compte-rendu, Selected papers or Verhandlungen.Mode...
At head of title: VIème Congrès International de Navigation Intérieure. La Haye 1894. VI. Internatio...
Language of Title Varies: Comptes Rendus, Bericht. Some Vols. Have Title: ActesMode of access: Inter...
At head of title: Société des nations.Vols. for some years issued in pts.Mode of access: Internet