MiU set lacks v.[17] Life of Francis Parkman, by C.H. Farnham, usually included in this ed."Introductory essay [biographical sketch of Parkman, by John Fiske]": v.1, p.[xi]-lxxxvi.Vols. 1-13 have subtitle: France and England in North America. Pts. 1-7.Half title; each volume has special t.p.v.1-2. Pioneers of France in the New World. 1906-07.--v.3-4. The Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century. 1906.--v. 5. La Salle and the discovery of the great West. 1910.--v. 6-7. The old régime in Canada. 1907.--v. 8. Vount Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. 1907.--v. 9-10. A half-century of conflict. 1907.--v. 11-13. Montcalm and Wolfe. 1907.--v. 14-15. The conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada. 1907-1...