FPGA circuits are increasingly used in many fields: for rapid prototyping of new products (including fast ASIC implementation), for logic emulation, for producing a small number of a device, or if a device should be reconfigurable in use (reconfigurable computing). Determining if an arbitrary, given wide, function can be implemented by a programmable logic block, unfortunately, it is generally, a very difficult problem. This problem is called the Boolean matching problem. This paper introduces a new implemented algorithm able to map, both for area and performance, combinational networks using k-LUT based FPGAs.k-LUT based FPGAs, combinational circuits, performance-driven mapping.
[[abstract]]We consider the problem of lookup table (LUT) based FPGA technology mapping for power mi...
[[abstract]]We combine technology mapping and placement into a single procedure, M.map, for the desi...
This paper presents a new approach to technology mapping for arbitrary technologies with single outp...
FPGA circuits are increasingly used in many fields: for rapid prototyping of new products (including...
Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are integrated circuits (ICs) used for rapid prototyping and ...
Abstract:- This paper introduces an efficient application intended for mapping under complex criteri...
In this paper, we developed Boolean matching techniques for complex programmable logic blocks (PLBs)...
In this paper, we developed Boolean matching techniques for complex programmable logic blocks (PLBs)...
The growing complexity of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA's) is leading to architectures with h...
Field-programmable gate-array (FPGA) logic synthesis and technology mapping have been studied extens...
FPGA logic synthesis and technology mapping have been studied extensively over the past 15 years. Ho...
Modern day field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have very huge and versatile logic resources resul...
[[abstract]]We combine technology mapping and placement into a single procedure, M.map, for the desi...
A Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a general re-configurable device for implementing logic ci...
[[abstract]]We combine technology mapping and placement into a single procedure, M.map, for the desi...
[[abstract]]We consider the problem of lookup table (LUT) based FPGA technology mapping for power mi...
[[abstract]]We combine technology mapping and placement into a single procedure, M.map, for the desi...
This paper presents a new approach to technology mapping for arbitrary technologies with single outp...
FPGA circuits are increasingly used in many fields: for rapid prototyping of new products (including...
Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are integrated circuits (ICs) used for rapid prototyping and ...
Abstract:- This paper introduces an efficient application intended for mapping under complex criteri...
In this paper, we developed Boolean matching techniques for complex programmable logic blocks (PLBs)...
In this paper, we developed Boolean matching techniques for complex programmable logic blocks (PLBs)...
The growing complexity of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA's) is leading to architectures with h...
Field-programmable gate-array (FPGA) logic synthesis and technology mapping have been studied extens...
FPGA logic synthesis and technology mapping have been studied extensively over the past 15 years. Ho...
Modern day field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have very huge and versatile logic resources resul...
[[abstract]]We combine technology mapping and placement into a single procedure, M.map, for the desi...
A Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a general re-configurable device for implementing logic ci...
[[abstract]]We combine technology mapping and placement into a single procedure, M.map, for the desi...
[[abstract]]We consider the problem of lookup table (LUT) based FPGA technology mapping for power mi...
[[abstract]]We combine technology mapping and placement into a single procedure, M.map, for the desi...
This paper presents a new approach to technology mapping for arbitrary technologies with single outp...