Mode of access: Internet.Issued by: Law Dept., 1889-1893; by Convicts and Prisons Dept., 1894-Latest issue consulted: 1908.Description based on: 1889
1856-18 have title: Report of the inspector of prisons ...Mode of access: Internet
Mode of access: Internet.Continued in 1913 in the Report of the State Board of Control
Later reports issued in U.S. Bureau of Prisons. Reports [of] federal penal and correctional institut...
Report year for 1902-1924 ends Dec. 31; for 1925/26- June 30.Mode of access: Internet.1902-1968/69 i...
Report year ends Sept. 30, 1877-1915; June 30, 1916-1926.Mode of access: Internet
Latest issue consulted: 4th (Oct. 1, 1890/Aug. 31, 1892).Description based on: 1st (Oct. 1, 1884/Oct...
Mode of access: Internet.Latest issue consulted: 1914.Description based on: 1899; title from title p...
Miscellaneous Pamphlet Collection: 1826 (4th ed.)-1827, 1829, 1834-1836.The 21st and 22nd reports (1...
First report (1887) does not cover a full year, but gives conditions of labor matters in the various...
Report for 1828/29 has title: Report of the directors and warden of the Connecticut State Prison.Rep...
There are only two known reports in this series, 1913/14 and 1918. 1st report covers the period Jan....
Latest issue consulted:1882/84.Description based on: 1884;title from title page.Mode of access: Inte...
Latest issue consulted: 1921/1922.Title varies slightly.Mode of access: Internet
Latest issue consulted: 23rd (1900).Description based on surrogate of 3rd (1880).Mode of access: Int...
Latest issue consulted: Sept. 1, 1910-Aug. 31, 1914.Title varies slightly.Report period ends Aug. 31...
1856-18 have title: Report of the inspector of prisons ...Mode of access: Internet
Mode of access: Internet.Continued in 1913 in the Report of the State Board of Control
Later reports issued in U.S. Bureau of Prisons. Reports [of] federal penal and correctional institut...
Report year for 1902-1924 ends Dec. 31; for 1925/26- June 30.Mode of access: Internet.1902-1968/69 i...
Report year ends Sept. 30, 1877-1915; June 30, 1916-1926.Mode of access: Internet
Latest issue consulted: 4th (Oct. 1, 1890/Aug. 31, 1892).Description based on: 1st (Oct. 1, 1884/Oct...
Mode of access: Internet.Latest issue consulted: 1914.Description based on: 1899; title from title p...
Miscellaneous Pamphlet Collection: 1826 (4th ed.)-1827, 1829, 1834-1836.The 21st and 22nd reports (1...
First report (1887) does not cover a full year, but gives conditions of labor matters in the various...
Report for 1828/29 has title: Report of the directors and warden of the Connecticut State Prison.Rep...
There are only two known reports in this series, 1913/14 and 1918. 1st report covers the period Jan....
Latest issue consulted:1882/84.Description based on: 1884;title from title page.Mode of access: Inte...
Latest issue consulted: 1921/1922.Title varies slightly.Mode of access: Internet
Latest issue consulted: 23rd (1900).Description based on surrogate of 3rd (1880).Mode of access: Int...
Latest issue consulted: Sept. 1, 1910-Aug. 31, 1914.Title varies slightly.Report period ends Aug. 31...
1856-18 have title: Report of the inspector of prisons ...Mode of access: Internet
Mode of access: Internet.Continued in 1913 in the Report of the State Board of Control
Later reports issued in U.S. Bureau of Prisons. Reports [of] federal penal and correctional institut...