The mountain discovered and named, 1792, by G. Vancouver.--First approach to the mountain, 1833, by W. F. Tolmie.--First recorded trip through Naches pass, 1841, by R. E. Johnson.--Tacoma and the Indian legend of Hamitchou, by T. Winthrop.--First attempted ascent, 1857, by A. V. Kautz.--First successful ascent, 1870, by H. Stevens.--Indian warning against demons, by Sluiskin, Indian guide.--Second successful ascent, 1870, by S. F. Emmons.--Explorations of the northern slopes, 1881-1883, by B. Willis.--Discovery of Camp Muir, 1888, by E. S. Ingraham.--Exploring the mountain and its glaciers, 1896, by I. C. Russell.--McClure's achievement and tragic death, 1897, by H. L. Bruce and H. H. McAlister.--Field notes on mount Rainier, 1905, by H. La...