At head of title: III Congreso Americano del Niño, Río de Janeiro (25 agosto-3 setiembre 1922)Mode of access: Internet
At head of title, 1916- : Caja de crédito hipotecario.Description based on: 1878.Mode of access: ...
Continued by reports in the annual "Memoria" of the minister of foreign relations, 1873-1903, and in...
At head of title: 1954-19__, Republica peruana. Ministerio de Gobierno y Polici̋a.Mode of access: In...
At head of title: Obras de fomento de los Territorios Nacionales.Mode of access: Internet
At head of title: 3o Congresso Scientifico Latino-Americano.Mode of access: Internet
At head of title: Segundo Congreso Científico Pan-Americano de Washington.Mode of access: Internet
"Memoria" in Portuguese and Spanish; "Relatorio" in Portuguese.At head of title: Ministerio das Rela...
At head of title, 1928- : Ministerio de agricultura de la nación. República Argentina.Mode of acce...
At head of title: República Argentina. Ministerio de Obras Públicas. Caja Nacional de Jubilaciones...
Mode of access: Internet.Some years included in the Memoria of the Ministerio de obras públicas
At head of title : Correos y telégrafos del Perú.Report year ends June 30.Mode of access: ...
At head of title: Agrupacions de filadors y teixidors adherides a la Federació Internacional de fabr...
Memoria for 1932/33 also has title: La educación y la justicia en los años .Mode of access:...
At head of title: Ministerio da Fazenda, Commemoraçao do 1[degree symbol] Centenario da Independenc...
"Primer anexo a la Memoria de Relaciones Exteriores de 1914."At head of title: República de Colombi...
At head of title, 1916- : Caja de crédito hipotecario.Description based on: 1878.Mode of access: ...
Continued by reports in the annual "Memoria" of the minister of foreign relations, 1873-1903, and in...
At head of title: 1954-19__, Republica peruana. Ministerio de Gobierno y Polici̋a.Mode of access: In...
At head of title: Obras de fomento de los Territorios Nacionales.Mode of access: Internet
At head of title: 3o Congresso Scientifico Latino-Americano.Mode of access: Internet
At head of title: Segundo Congreso Científico Pan-Americano de Washington.Mode of access: Internet
"Memoria" in Portuguese and Spanish; "Relatorio" in Portuguese.At head of title: Ministerio das Rela...
At head of title, 1928- : Ministerio de agricultura de la nación. República Argentina.Mode of acce...
At head of title: República Argentina. Ministerio de Obras Públicas. Caja Nacional de Jubilaciones...
Mode of access: Internet.Some years included in the Memoria of the Ministerio de obras públicas
At head of title : Correos y telégrafos del Perú.Report year ends June 30.Mode of access: ...
At head of title: Agrupacions de filadors y teixidors adherides a la Federació Internacional de fabr...
Memoria for 1932/33 also has title: La educación y la justicia en los años .Mode of access:...
At head of title: Ministerio da Fazenda, Commemoraçao do 1[degree symbol] Centenario da Independenc...
"Primer anexo a la Memoria de Relaciones Exteriores de 1914."At head of title: República de Colombi...
At head of title, 1916- : Caja de crédito hipotecario.Description based on: 1878.Mode of access: ...
Continued by reports in the annual "Memoria" of the minister of foreign relations, 1873-1903, and in...
At head of title: 1954-19__, Republica peruana. Ministerio de Gobierno y Polici̋a.Mode of access: In...