Tamil and English in parallel columns."The Story of the Gooroo Paramartan, is one of the lighter productions of that profound scholar and rare genius, father Beschi ... " - Pref., p. ii.Mode of access: Internet
From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland.Sanskrit and English.Cove...
Pub. in full as Anecdota oxoniensia, Aryan series, v. 4. Oxford, 1886.Sanskrit text.Inaug.-diss.--Le...
Reprint from the Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. 1, no. 18.Text and translation.Mode ...
A free English paraphrase by "Grey Goosequill," of the story of Guru Paramartan, based on Babington'...
Tr. from the Tamil, chiefly from the Kathamanjari. Cf. preface.Mode of access: Internet
Based on tales written in English by Francis William Bain.Mode of access: Internet
"The typography and presswork done by Charles C. Bubb, clerk in holy orders, at his private press, F...
Story of Auvaiyar, a Tamil poet.Story of Auvaiyar, a Tamil poet.Mode of access: Internet
Parts 1-3 have special t.-p.: A hand-book of the ordinary dialect of the Tamil language.Mode of acce...
Translation of De legende van Kunjarakarna, which was translated from the original Kawi (Old Javanes...
"Titre IV. Des idiomes de l'Indostan" (v. 2, p. 287-344) deals mainly with Tamil, including grammar,...
Ancient Tamil didactic work.Ancient Tamil didactic work.Mode of access: Internet
Published in 1895 under title: The story of Vedic India."Principal works read or consulted": p. 441-...
"The adventures of the gooroo Paramatan, a tale in the Tamul language, by Benjamin Babington," p. 58...
Printer from colophon.Publisher's advertisements: 4 p. at end.A free English paraphrase by ''Grey Go...
From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland.Sanskrit and English.Cove...
Pub. in full as Anecdota oxoniensia, Aryan series, v. 4. Oxford, 1886.Sanskrit text.Inaug.-diss.--Le...
Reprint from the Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. 1, no. 18.Text and translation.Mode ...
A free English paraphrase by "Grey Goosequill," of the story of Guru Paramartan, based on Babington'...
Tr. from the Tamil, chiefly from the Kathamanjari. Cf. preface.Mode of access: Internet
Based on tales written in English by Francis William Bain.Mode of access: Internet
"The typography and presswork done by Charles C. Bubb, clerk in holy orders, at his private press, F...
Story of Auvaiyar, a Tamil poet.Story of Auvaiyar, a Tamil poet.Mode of access: Internet
Parts 1-3 have special t.-p.: A hand-book of the ordinary dialect of the Tamil language.Mode of acce...
Translation of De legende van Kunjarakarna, which was translated from the original Kawi (Old Javanes...
"Titre IV. Des idiomes de l'Indostan" (v. 2, p. 287-344) deals mainly with Tamil, including grammar,...
Ancient Tamil didactic work.Ancient Tamil didactic work.Mode of access: Internet
Published in 1895 under title: The story of Vedic India."Principal works read or consulted": p. 441-...
"The adventures of the gooroo Paramatan, a tale in the Tamul language, by Benjamin Babington," p. 58...
Printer from colophon.Publisher's advertisements: 4 p. at end.A free English paraphrase by ''Grey Go...
From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland.Sanskrit and English.Cove...
Pub. in full as Anecdota oxoniensia, Aryan series, v. 4. Oxford, 1886.Sanskrit text.Inaug.-diss.--Le...
Reprint from the Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. 1, no. 18.Text and translation.Mode ...