Diaporthe ostryigena Ellis & Dearn. in Barthol.On dead trunks and branches of Ostrya virginica Notes with collectio
Hypoxylon occidentale Ellis & Everh.On dead limbs of deciduous trees There are 2 identical envelope...
Diaporthe viburni var. spiraeicola Dearn. & Bisby. var. spiraeicola Wehm., determined by L. E. Wehme...
Valsa delicatula Cooke & EllisOn Adromeda racemosa and Vaccinium corymbosum No date or collector gi...
Diaporthe raveneliana Thum. & Rehm in Thum.On dead branches of Quercus albae Notes with collectio
Diaporthe valerianae FuckelOn dead stems of Valeriana officinalis L. Fuckel (Chodat, Herbier Barbey...
Diaporthe juglandis Ellis & Everh.On dead Juglans cinerea These specc. are from the same collection...
Valsa decidua Cooke & EllisOn dead branches of Azalea viscosa No collection date give
Valsa auerswaldii f. ligustrina f. ligustrina Rehm in Hohn.On dead Liguster branches No locality, d...
Diatrypella hysterioides Ellis & Everh.On decorticated, fallen limbs in a willow jungl
Eutypella carpinicola Ellis & Everh.On dead trunks of Carpinus americana lying on the groun
Marasmius bahamensis MurrillOn fallen dead leaves and twigs Herbarium N. Y. Bot. Gard
Dothiora xylostei FuckelOn dead twigs of Lonicerae xylostei Also cited exsiccati, Fungi Rhenani 237
Diatrype albopruinosa var. salicina (Schw.) Cooke var. salicina RehmOn stems of Salix-Aesten Defini...
Sphaeria mortuosa EllisOn dead stems of Eupatorium purpurenum and Andropogon virginicu
Hysterostegiella typhae Syd.On dead leaves of Typha angustifolia Also H. Sydow, 12 Jul 1917 (Sydow,...
Hypoxylon occidentale Ellis & Everh.On dead limbs of deciduous trees There are 2 identical envelope...
Diaporthe viburni var. spiraeicola Dearn. & Bisby. var. spiraeicola Wehm., determined by L. E. Wehme...
Valsa delicatula Cooke & EllisOn Adromeda racemosa and Vaccinium corymbosum No date or collector gi...
Diaporthe raveneliana Thum. & Rehm in Thum.On dead branches of Quercus albae Notes with collectio
Diaporthe valerianae FuckelOn dead stems of Valeriana officinalis L. Fuckel (Chodat, Herbier Barbey...
Diaporthe juglandis Ellis & Everh.On dead Juglans cinerea These specc. are from the same collection...
Valsa decidua Cooke & EllisOn dead branches of Azalea viscosa No collection date give
Valsa auerswaldii f. ligustrina f. ligustrina Rehm in Hohn.On dead Liguster branches No locality, d...
Diatrypella hysterioides Ellis & Everh.On decorticated, fallen limbs in a willow jungl
Eutypella carpinicola Ellis & Everh.On dead trunks of Carpinus americana lying on the groun
Marasmius bahamensis MurrillOn fallen dead leaves and twigs Herbarium N. Y. Bot. Gard
Dothiora xylostei FuckelOn dead twigs of Lonicerae xylostei Also cited exsiccati, Fungi Rhenani 237
Diatrype albopruinosa var. salicina (Schw.) Cooke var. salicina RehmOn stems of Salix-Aesten Defini...
Sphaeria mortuosa EllisOn dead stems of Eupatorium purpurenum and Andropogon virginicu
Hysterostegiella typhae Syd.On dead leaves of Typha angustifolia Also H. Sydow, 12 Jul 1917 (Sydow,...
Hypoxylon occidentale Ellis & Everh.On dead limbs of deciduous trees There are 2 identical envelope...
Diaporthe viburni var. spiraeicola Dearn. & Bisby. var. spiraeicola Wehm., determined by L. E. Wehme...
Valsa delicatula Cooke & EllisOn Adromeda racemosa and Vaccinium corymbosum No date or collector gi...