Janusia schwannioides W.R.AndersonHerbaceous vine in shrubs to 3 m; calyx glands green; petals carrot-yellow; fruits green and red; cleistogamous flowers bearing up to 3 samaras
Banisteriopsis pulchra B.Gatesbrushy roadside Vine high in shrubs; petals pink, with white margin, ...
Byrsonima huberi W.R.AndersonTree 3 m tall. Leaves ferruginous on lower surface. Floral buds pink....
Malpighia wilburiorum W.R.Anderson, determined by W.R. Anderson 1986Open oak woods dominating slopes...
Janusia occhionii W.R.Andersonshrubby secondary growth at edge of forest Woody vine froming dense t...
Two new Brazilian species of Janusia are described and illustrated: Janusia diminuta, restricted to ...
Cottsia linearis (Wiggins) W.R.Anderson & C.Davis, determined by W.R. Anderson 200
Gaudichaudia chasei W.R.Andersonin shrubs along limestone walls and outcroppings on hillsides woody...
Heteropterys perplexa W.R.AndersonWoody vine to 6 m in trees; petals distally white, pink in center,...
Heteropterys aliciae W.R.AndersonWoody vine to 2m in trees; calyx glands green; petals pale yellow; ...
Mascagnia tucuruensis C.E.AndersonRoadsides and cleared thickets. Vine sprawling and climbing; caly...
Malpighia novogaliciana W.R.Anderson, determined by W.R. Anderson 1986tall lowland forest of Hura, C...
Jubelina magnifica W.R.Anderson, determined by W.R. Anderson 1979Vine in low trees. Flowers pink; f...
Banisteriopsis variabilis B.Gatesquartzite rock outcrops and sandy soil, with cerrado Stems ca. 1 m...
Stigmaphyllon carautae C.E.AndersonTrepadeira de flores amarelas, crescia dentro da floresta
Stigmaphyllon adenophorum C.E.AndersonCollected from top down to about 50 m.; Pendent woody vine. P...
Banisteriopsis pulchra B.Gatesbrushy roadside Vine high in shrubs; petals pink, with white margin, ...
Byrsonima huberi W.R.AndersonTree 3 m tall. Leaves ferruginous on lower surface. Floral buds pink....
Malpighia wilburiorum W.R.Anderson, determined by W.R. Anderson 1986Open oak woods dominating slopes...
Janusia occhionii W.R.Andersonshrubby secondary growth at edge of forest Woody vine froming dense t...
Two new Brazilian species of Janusia are described and illustrated: Janusia diminuta, restricted to ...
Cottsia linearis (Wiggins) W.R.Anderson & C.Davis, determined by W.R. Anderson 200
Gaudichaudia chasei W.R.Andersonin shrubs along limestone walls and outcroppings on hillsides woody...
Heteropterys perplexa W.R.AndersonWoody vine to 6 m in trees; petals distally white, pink in center,...
Heteropterys aliciae W.R.AndersonWoody vine to 2m in trees; calyx glands green; petals pale yellow; ...
Mascagnia tucuruensis C.E.AndersonRoadsides and cleared thickets. Vine sprawling and climbing; caly...
Malpighia novogaliciana W.R.Anderson, determined by W.R. Anderson 1986tall lowland forest of Hura, C...
Jubelina magnifica W.R.Anderson, determined by W.R. Anderson 1979Vine in low trees. Flowers pink; f...
Banisteriopsis variabilis B.Gatesquartzite rock outcrops and sandy soil, with cerrado Stems ca. 1 m...
Stigmaphyllon carautae C.E.AndersonTrepadeira de flores amarelas, crescia dentro da floresta
Stigmaphyllon adenophorum C.E.AndersonCollected from top down to about 50 m.; Pendent woody vine. P...
Banisteriopsis pulchra B.Gatesbrushy roadside Vine high in shrubs; petals pink, with white margin, ...
Byrsonima huberi W.R.AndersonTree 3 m tall. Leaves ferruginous on lower surface. Floral buds pink....
Malpighia wilburiorum W.R.Anderson, determined by W.R. Anderson 1986Open oak woods dominating slopes...