Primula nevadensis N.H.HolmgrenCommon in loose limestone gravel and in cracks of solid rock, with Pinus aristata, Ribes montigenum, Eriogonum holmgrenii, Phlox hoodii, Aquilegia caerulea, Castilleja lapidicola and krumholz of Picia engelmannii. Plants forming clumps up to 6 in. broad; calyx pale purple-green with farinose covering, especially at base, to dark purple with very little farinose covering; corolla purple in bud, lobes at anthesis violet, becoming dark purple at the base, throat yellow inside and brownish on outside, tube pale yellow to white; anthers yellow-orange; stigma and anther position dimorphic
Achimenes nayaritensis L.E.SkogAbundant on moist rocks in the deep barranca; Precipitous mountainsid...
In this research, we discovered a number of structural adaptations and informative characteristics f...
Anoda pristina Fryxell, determined by P. Fryxell 1986On slope with Pinus and Quercus Flowers purple...
Annual or perennial herbs, erect, ascending or prostrate, less than 1½ m high. Leaves spirally arran...
Potentilla cottamii N.H.Holmgrengrowing in the cracks of steep quartzite rock outcrops petals yello...
Polygala maravillasensis Correlin crevices of limestone ledges on summit of mountain Plants glaucou...
Hybridisation between Primula vulgaris and P. veris was investigated along a southwest exposed slope...
Penstemon davidsonii var. praeteritus Greene var. praeteritus Cronq.Rocky granitic point Plants for...
We present a description of a newly discovered species, Primula medogensis, found in southern Xizang...
The results of introduction studies of 15 Caucasian species of the genus Primula L. (Primula abchasi...
Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628WOS: 000487295800007This study was performed to explore the r...
Cavendishia atroviolacea LuteynUpland pastures Erect shrub to 3 meters rooted in deep humus over ro...
Draba nemorosa L.drave des boisWoodland drabaCarbondale MeadowK. McFadyenS. facing meadow of Amelanc...
Main criteria for evaluation of the reproductive capacity of perennial distylous species Primula ver...
Crotalaria nitens var. gracilis H.B. & K. var. gracilis WindlerSteep slopes in mesophytic forests ne...
Achimenes nayaritensis L.E.SkogAbundant on moist rocks in the deep barranca; Precipitous mountainsid...
In this research, we discovered a number of structural adaptations and informative characteristics f...
Anoda pristina Fryxell, determined by P. Fryxell 1986On slope with Pinus and Quercus Flowers purple...
Annual or perennial herbs, erect, ascending or prostrate, less than 1½ m high. Leaves spirally arran...
Potentilla cottamii N.H.Holmgrengrowing in the cracks of steep quartzite rock outcrops petals yello...
Polygala maravillasensis Correlin crevices of limestone ledges on summit of mountain Plants glaucou...
Hybridisation between Primula vulgaris and P. veris was investigated along a southwest exposed slope...
Penstemon davidsonii var. praeteritus Greene var. praeteritus Cronq.Rocky granitic point Plants for...
We present a description of a newly discovered species, Primula medogensis, found in southern Xizang...
The results of introduction studies of 15 Caucasian species of the genus Primula L. (Primula abchasi...
Coskuncelebi, Kamil/0000-0001-5713-6628WOS: 000487295800007This study was performed to explore the r...
Cavendishia atroviolacea LuteynUpland pastures Erect shrub to 3 meters rooted in deep humus over ro...
Draba nemorosa L.drave des boisWoodland drabaCarbondale MeadowK. McFadyenS. facing meadow of Amelanc...
Main criteria for evaluation of the reproductive capacity of perennial distylous species Primula ver...
Crotalaria nitens var. gracilis H.B. & K. var. gracilis WindlerSteep slopes in mesophytic forests ne...
Achimenes nayaritensis L.E.SkogAbundant on moist rocks in the deep barranca; Precipitous mountainsid...
In this research, we discovered a number of structural adaptations and informative characteristics f...
Anoda pristina Fryxell, determined by P. Fryxell 1986On slope with Pinus and Quercus Flowers purple...