Kohleria papillosa var. pendula Fritsch var. pendula C.V.Morton, determined by C.V. Morton 1966steep west-facing slopes in pine forest Shru
Eugenia koepperi Standl., determined by F.R. Barrie 2004in forest on slopes Tree about 20 ft. tall
Senna koelziana H.S.Irwin & Barnebysteep slopes in mesophytic forests near summits of barrancas in p...
Poa cusickii subsp. epilis (Scribn.) W.A.WeberSkyline bluegrasspâturin à lemma glabreWhistler RidgeT...
Recent studies of type specimens and exploratory research expeditions in the northern Andes have res...
Hygrophorus piceae Kuhner & Romagn., determined by L. R. Hesler & A. H. SmithOn steep hillside under...
Seymeria pennellii B.L.Turner, determined by B.L. Turner 1995Rich slopes in pineland Herb, corolla ...
Woodsia cystopteroides Windham & MickelPine Forest, igneous rocky slope in open pine-oak fores
Centropogon aristi var. subterpilis E.Wimm. var. subterpilis E.Wimm., determined by R. McVaugh 1953M...
Lappula occidentalis (Watson) Greene var. occidentaliswestern stickseedLappula redowskiiHarts Prairi...
Muhlenbergia iridifolia Soderstr.barranca above a rapid clear stream, in dense forest of Quercus, Ca...
Agrostis novogaliciana McVaughRidges and summits with open pine forest, the steeper slopes with Abie...
Miconia mcvaughii Wurdacksteep west-facing slopes in pine forest Occasional here, more abundant in ...
Pedicularis gordonii McVaugh & Kopturrolling hills near summits; open dry pine-oak forest; deep grav...
Halenia crumiana Wilbur, determined by K.B. von Hagen 2002Cypress-pine forest Sepals green as are t...
Arracacia papillosa Mathias & Constance, determined by C.A. Danderson 2010Precipitous mountainsides;...
Eugenia koepperi Standl., determined by F.R. Barrie 2004in forest on slopes Tree about 20 ft. tall
Senna koelziana H.S.Irwin & Barnebysteep slopes in mesophytic forests near summits of barrancas in p...
Poa cusickii subsp. epilis (Scribn.) W.A.WeberSkyline bluegrasspâturin à lemma glabreWhistler RidgeT...
Recent studies of type specimens and exploratory research expeditions in the northern Andes have res...
Hygrophorus piceae Kuhner & Romagn., determined by L. R. Hesler & A. H. SmithOn steep hillside under...
Seymeria pennellii B.L.Turner, determined by B.L. Turner 1995Rich slopes in pineland Herb, corolla ...
Woodsia cystopteroides Windham & MickelPine Forest, igneous rocky slope in open pine-oak fores
Centropogon aristi var. subterpilis E.Wimm. var. subterpilis E.Wimm., determined by R. McVaugh 1953M...
Lappula occidentalis (Watson) Greene var. occidentaliswestern stickseedLappula redowskiiHarts Prairi...
Muhlenbergia iridifolia Soderstr.barranca above a rapid clear stream, in dense forest of Quercus, Ca...
Agrostis novogaliciana McVaughRidges and summits with open pine forest, the steeper slopes with Abie...
Miconia mcvaughii Wurdacksteep west-facing slopes in pine forest Occasional here, more abundant in ...
Pedicularis gordonii McVaugh & Kopturrolling hills near summits; open dry pine-oak forest; deep grav...
Halenia crumiana Wilbur, determined by K.B. von Hagen 2002Cypress-pine forest Sepals green as are t...
Arracacia papillosa Mathias & Constance, determined by C.A. Danderson 2010Precipitous mountainsides;...
Eugenia koepperi Standl., determined by F.R. Barrie 2004in forest on slopes Tree about 20 ft. tall
Senna koelziana H.S.Irwin & Barnebysteep slopes in mesophytic forests near summits of barrancas in p...
Poa cusickii subsp. epilis (Scribn.) W.A.WeberSkyline bluegrasspâturin à lemma glabreWhistler RidgeT...