Capparis admirabilis Standl.Woodland in semi-arid region Tree about 12 ft. tall and 3 in. in diameter; corolla creamy-white, petals 4, stamens 8
Calycorectes batavorum McVaughshrub or little tree, 4-5 m high, leaves velvety and ocre-brown below ...
Byrsonima macrostachya W.R.AndersonTree 20 x 35 cm. diam. Buds with pink corolla and glands
People in Taiwan have identified Capparis sabiaefolia Hook. f. et Thoms. as Capparis acutifolia Swee...
Symplocos panamensis McPhersonForested slopes Tree 10 m; corolla, calyx and stamens white; flowers ...
Prunus fortunensis McPhersonForested slopes Tree 14 m; corolla and stamens whit
Herbs or shrubs, often climbing, rarely trees. Indument, if present, consisting of simple (unicellul...
Saurauia cana B.T.Keller & Breedlovein Liquidambar forest Tree; diam. 15 cm.; height 10 m.; corolla...
Inga yunckeri Standl.Mountain slopes and coastal plains Tree about 30 ft. tall; corolla green, stam...
Cufodontia arborea WoodsonLarge tree with milky sap, corolla contorted, pale gree
Platycarpum maguirei Steyerm.Tree 25 m high, 18 cm diam, corolla white, the tube inside red-streaked...
Coccoloba lepidota A.C.Sm.terra firma Tree 45 feet high, with white flower. On varzea lan
Stenopadus campestris Maguire & Wurdackshrubby tree 1.5-5.0 m. high, flowers straw-colored, frequen
FIG. 1. — Capparis irenae Fici, sp. nov.: A, flowering branch; B, leaf base with stipular thorn; C, ...
Coussarea machadoana Standl.terra firma Tree 45 ft. high, 1 ft. in diameter breast high, fls. white
Miconia castrensis WurdackTree 10 m. Lvs deep green, nitid above; brown-ochraceous pubescent below....
Calycorectes batavorum McVaughshrub or little tree, 4-5 m high, leaves velvety and ocre-brown below ...
Byrsonima macrostachya W.R.AndersonTree 20 x 35 cm. diam. Buds with pink corolla and glands
People in Taiwan have identified Capparis sabiaefolia Hook. f. et Thoms. as Capparis acutifolia Swee...
Symplocos panamensis McPhersonForested slopes Tree 10 m; corolla, calyx and stamens white; flowers ...
Prunus fortunensis McPhersonForested slopes Tree 14 m; corolla and stamens whit
Herbs or shrubs, often climbing, rarely trees. Indument, if present, consisting of simple (unicellul...
Saurauia cana B.T.Keller & Breedlovein Liquidambar forest Tree; diam. 15 cm.; height 10 m.; corolla...
Inga yunckeri Standl.Mountain slopes and coastal plains Tree about 30 ft. tall; corolla green, stam...
Cufodontia arborea WoodsonLarge tree with milky sap, corolla contorted, pale gree
Platycarpum maguirei Steyerm.Tree 25 m high, 18 cm diam, corolla white, the tube inside red-streaked...
Coccoloba lepidota A.C.Sm.terra firma Tree 45 feet high, with white flower. On varzea lan
Stenopadus campestris Maguire & Wurdackshrubby tree 1.5-5.0 m. high, flowers straw-colored, frequen
FIG. 1. — Capparis irenae Fici, sp. nov.: A, flowering branch; B, leaf base with stipular thorn; C, ...
Coussarea machadoana Standl.terra firma Tree 45 ft. high, 1 ft. in diameter breast high, fls. white
Miconia castrensis WurdackTree 10 m. Lvs deep green, nitid above; brown-ochraceous pubescent below....
Calycorectes batavorum McVaughshrub or little tree, 4-5 m high, leaves velvety and ocre-brown below ...
Byrsonima macrostachya W.R.AndersonTree 20 x 35 cm. diam. Buds with pink corolla and glands
People in Taiwan have identified Capparis sabiaefolia Hook. f. et Thoms. as Capparis acutifolia Swee...