Tigridia alpestris subsp. obtusa Molseed subsp. obtusa Molseedusually on rocky slopes; very common inplaces in meadows Dark purple fls
Aristolochia secunda Pfeifergrassy slopes Commonly scattered on grassy slopes. Flowers deep purpli...
Tetraneuris linearifolia (Hook.) GreeneScattered on drier, more open slopes. F. c. bright yellow
Calamagrostis valida Sohnspine-oak-fir forests; abundant on rocky hills Inflorescence pale reddis
Tigridia mexicana subsp. passiflora Molseed subsp. passiflora MolseedIn great abundance under burned...
Tigridia gracielae (Tigridieae: Iridaceae), from the state of México, is a new species morphological...
Tigridia martinezii Calderónzona rocosa en la parte alta de un cerro planta herbácea perenne; flore...
Tigridia galanthoides MolseedOak field (some pines) Tip of inner tepal inflexed, touching filament ...
Tigridia arequipensis (Iridaceae: Tigridieae) is a new species found in the province of Arequipa (de...
Tigridia ehrenbergii (Schltdl.) Molseed, determined by E. Molseed 1965Rocky wooded summit Flowers d...
Tigridia potosina, a new species discovered in the Sierra de Álvarez, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, is de...
Minuartia obtusiloba (Rydberg) Housealpine stitchwort; alpine sandwort; twinflower sandwort; twinflo...
Lithospermum indecorum I.M. Johnst.Common in shaded situations on slopes. F.c. cream yellow
Mexico is the diversity center of the genus Tigridia (Tigridieae: Iridaceae). Its irregular topograp...
Tigridia pugana (Iridaceae: Tigridieae) is described as a new species. It is characterized by produc...
Tigridia rzedowskiana (Tigridieae: Iridaceae) is a new species found in the state of Querétaro, Mexi...
Aristolochia secunda Pfeifergrassy slopes Commonly scattered on grassy slopes. Flowers deep purpli...
Tetraneuris linearifolia (Hook.) GreeneScattered on drier, more open slopes. F. c. bright yellow
Calamagrostis valida Sohnspine-oak-fir forests; abundant on rocky hills Inflorescence pale reddis
Tigridia mexicana subsp. passiflora Molseed subsp. passiflora MolseedIn great abundance under burned...
Tigridia gracielae (Tigridieae: Iridaceae), from the state of México, is a new species morphological...
Tigridia martinezii Calderónzona rocosa en la parte alta de un cerro planta herbácea perenne; flore...
Tigridia galanthoides MolseedOak field (some pines) Tip of inner tepal inflexed, touching filament ...
Tigridia arequipensis (Iridaceae: Tigridieae) is a new species found in the province of Arequipa (de...
Tigridia ehrenbergii (Schltdl.) Molseed, determined by E. Molseed 1965Rocky wooded summit Flowers d...
Tigridia potosina, a new species discovered in the Sierra de Álvarez, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, is de...
Minuartia obtusiloba (Rydberg) Housealpine stitchwort; alpine sandwort; twinflower sandwort; twinflo...
Lithospermum indecorum I.M. Johnst.Common in shaded situations on slopes. F.c. cream yellow
Mexico is the diversity center of the genus Tigridia (Tigridieae: Iridaceae). Its irregular topograp...
Tigridia pugana (Iridaceae: Tigridieae) is described as a new species. It is characterized by produc...
Tigridia rzedowskiana (Tigridieae: Iridaceae) is a new species found in the state of Querétaro, Mexi...
Aristolochia secunda Pfeifergrassy slopes Commonly scattered on grassy slopes. Flowers deep purpli...
Tetraneuris linearifolia (Hook.) GreeneScattered on drier, more open slopes. F. c. bright yellow
Calamagrostis valida Sohnspine-oak-fir forests; abundant on rocky hills Inflorescence pale reddis