Potentilla mexiae Standl.dry, gravelly plateau Peren. herb. Very thick, long tap-root. Forms small mats. Flower bright yello
Castilleja porphyrosceptron G.L.Nesom, determined by M. Egger 1998Montane Mesic Forest, humid pine-o...
Myrcia clausa McVaughbosque húmedo montañoso Herb. No. 92930; Tree 8 m. tall; leaves coriaceous, re...
Axiniphyllum sagittalobum B.L.Turner, determined by B.L. Turner 1976Pine forest 1 m. high; flower: ...
Potentilla leonina Standl.alpine meadows above timber line abundant; F.c. lemon yello
Paepalanthus mexicae Moldenkedamp clay bank Perennial herb; whitish gray flower. Frequent
Potentilla cottamii N.H.Holmgrengrowing in the cracks of steep quartzite rock outcrops petals yello...
Grewia concolor Merr.thicket; dry; sandy soil; gentle slope Rare; woody; 2 m.; flower, light yello
Castilleja pallida subsp. mexiae (L.) Kunth subsp. mexiae PennellDry, gravelly crests. Herb, erect
Potentilla flabellifolia, whole plant. Family Rosaceae, Subclass Rosidae. Origin: Native
Potentilla basaltica Tiehm & Erttergrowing with Juncus along the edge of a seepage are
Potentilla flabellifolia, flower. Family Rosaceae, Subclass Rosidae. Origin: Native
Xyris mexiae Malmeopen campo above forest, among grasses Perennial herb. Flower buttercup yellow. ...
Astragalus mexiae M.E.JonesDry, red, gravelly soil. Peren. Herb. Long, thick tap-root. Flower whi...
Polemonium melindae Rzed., Calderón, & Villarrealbosque de Abies y claros adyacentes planta herbáce...
Vauquelinia corymbosa subsp. saltilloensis Correa ex Humb. & Bonpl. subsp. saltilloensis Hess & Henr...
Castilleja porphyrosceptron G.L.Nesom, determined by M. Egger 1998Montane Mesic Forest, humid pine-o...
Myrcia clausa McVaughbosque húmedo montañoso Herb. No. 92930; Tree 8 m. tall; leaves coriaceous, re...
Axiniphyllum sagittalobum B.L.Turner, determined by B.L. Turner 1976Pine forest 1 m. high; flower: ...
Potentilla leonina Standl.alpine meadows above timber line abundant; F.c. lemon yello
Paepalanthus mexicae Moldenkedamp clay bank Perennial herb; whitish gray flower. Frequent
Potentilla cottamii N.H.Holmgrengrowing in the cracks of steep quartzite rock outcrops petals yello...
Grewia concolor Merr.thicket; dry; sandy soil; gentle slope Rare; woody; 2 m.; flower, light yello
Castilleja pallida subsp. mexiae (L.) Kunth subsp. mexiae PennellDry, gravelly crests. Herb, erect
Potentilla flabellifolia, whole plant. Family Rosaceae, Subclass Rosidae. Origin: Native
Potentilla basaltica Tiehm & Erttergrowing with Juncus along the edge of a seepage are
Potentilla flabellifolia, flower. Family Rosaceae, Subclass Rosidae. Origin: Native
Xyris mexiae Malmeopen campo above forest, among grasses Perennial herb. Flower buttercup yellow. ...
Astragalus mexiae M.E.JonesDry, red, gravelly soil. Peren. Herb. Long, thick tap-root. Flower whi...
Polemonium melindae Rzed., Calderón, & Villarrealbosque de Abies y claros adyacentes planta herbáce...
Vauquelinia corymbosa subsp. saltilloensis Correa ex Humb. & Bonpl. subsp. saltilloensis Hess & Henr...
Castilleja porphyrosceptron G.L.Nesom, determined by M. Egger 1998Montane Mesic Forest, humid pine-o...
Myrcia clausa McVaughbosque húmedo montañoso Herb. No. 92930; Tree 8 m. tall; leaves coriaceous, re...
Axiniphyllum sagittalobum B.L.Turner, determined by B.L. Turner 1976Pine forest 1 m. high; flower: ...