Myrcia schippii Lundellopen pine flats Small tree; very showy in flower, the latter white and sweetly perfumed. Resembles a Eugenia in flower and habit of growth. "Occasional". 25ft. 3ins. dia
Myrcia clausa McVaughbosque húmedo montañoso Herb. No. 92930; Tree 8 m. tall; leaves coriaceous, re...
Cojoba graciliflora (S.F. Blake) Britton & Rose, determined by R. Barneby & J. Grimes 1994swamp fore...
Eugenia ibarrae Lundell, determined by F.R. Barrie 2003On pinal trail, in tintal. "Chilonche"; Slen...
Myrcia nubicola McVaughIn scrub forest Small rounded tree. Fls white. Occasiona
Myrcia tomentosa (Aulb.) DC, determined by F.R. Barrie 2005Dry Slender tree 8 m; flowers white, bar...
Myrcia pistrinalis McVaughrather open vegetation of shrubs and small trees on top Small tree, 3 m t...
Eugenia mcvaughii Steyerm. & LasserShrub or small tree 4 meters tall. Bark rough, gray and vertical...
Myrcia planifolia McVaughDiffuse shrub 1-2 m. tall. Inflorescence red; fls white
Myrcia revolutifolia McVaughFrequent around rocks Densely branched rounded shrub or small tree; lvs...
Eugenia apodantha Standl.Small tree about 15 ft. tall and 3 in. in diameter. Crushed leaves aromati...
Trema strigillosa Lundellsecondary forest Small tree growing in secondary forest of upright habit, ...
Myrciaria ibarrae Lundellin low forest "Guayabillo" Tree, 4 in. diam., 30 ft. high, flowers white
Miconia schippii Standl.Medium sized shrub, flowers white tinged rose, reverse side of leaves flushe...
Eugenia letreroana Lundell, determined by F.R. Barrie 2004In virgin forest A small tree, 3-4 m. hig...
Myrcia porphyrea McVaughsandy savannah Shrub to 2 m. tall; lvs stiff, leathery, brittle. Fls pinki...
Myrcia clausa McVaughbosque húmedo montañoso Herb. No. 92930; Tree 8 m. tall; leaves coriaceous, re...
Cojoba graciliflora (S.F. Blake) Britton & Rose, determined by R. Barneby & J. Grimes 1994swamp fore...
Eugenia ibarrae Lundell, determined by F.R. Barrie 2003On pinal trail, in tintal. "Chilonche"; Slen...
Myrcia nubicola McVaughIn scrub forest Small rounded tree. Fls white. Occasiona
Myrcia tomentosa (Aulb.) DC, determined by F.R. Barrie 2005Dry Slender tree 8 m; flowers white, bar...
Myrcia pistrinalis McVaughrather open vegetation of shrubs and small trees on top Small tree, 3 m t...
Eugenia mcvaughii Steyerm. & LasserShrub or small tree 4 meters tall. Bark rough, gray and vertical...
Myrcia planifolia McVaughDiffuse shrub 1-2 m. tall. Inflorescence red; fls white
Myrcia revolutifolia McVaughFrequent around rocks Densely branched rounded shrub or small tree; lvs...
Eugenia apodantha Standl.Small tree about 15 ft. tall and 3 in. in diameter. Crushed leaves aromati...
Trema strigillosa Lundellsecondary forest Small tree growing in secondary forest of upright habit, ...
Myrciaria ibarrae Lundellin low forest "Guayabillo" Tree, 4 in. diam., 30 ft. high, flowers white
Miconia schippii Standl.Medium sized shrub, flowers white tinged rose, reverse side of leaves flushe...
Eugenia letreroana Lundell, determined by F.R. Barrie 2004In virgin forest A small tree, 3-4 m. hig...
Myrcia porphyrea McVaughsandy savannah Shrub to 2 m. tall; lvs stiff, leathery, brittle. Fls pinki...
Myrcia clausa McVaughbosque húmedo montañoso Herb. No. 92930; Tree 8 m. tall; leaves coriaceous, re...
Cojoba graciliflora (S.F. Blake) Britton & Rose, determined by R. Barneby & J. Grimes 1994swamp fore...
Eugenia ibarrae Lundell, determined by F.R. Barrie 2003On pinal trail, in tintal. "Chilonche"; Slen...