Myrcianthes prodigiosa McVaughmixed high forest Frequent; tree 15 m. high, 30 cm. diam.; wood dense, hard; flowers whit
Myrcia clausa McVaughbosque húmedo montañoso Herb. No. 92930; Tree 8 m. tall; leaves coriaceous, re...
Calyptranthes megistrophylla Standl.In dense shady valleys at high altitudes Large tree; seen on ra...
Myrcia sessiliflora McVaughWet cliffs and precipitous east slopes Shrub 2 m. tall
Myrcia myriantha McVaughmixed evergreen forest on laterite, below talus of cliffs along NE side Tre...
Martiodendron macrocarpon GleasonOn varzea land; Tree 110 feet high, with yellow flowers. Very hard...
Myrcia nubicola McVaughIn scrub forest Small rounded tree. Fls white. Occasiona
Myrcia pistrinalis McVaughrather open vegetation of shrubs and small trees on top Small tree, 3 m t...
[1314] Myrcianthes prodigiosa McVaugh Fieldiana, Bot. 29 (8): 492 [31 May 1963] (McVaugh 1963). ...
Myrcia revolutifolia McVaughFrequent around rocks Densely branched rounded shrub or small tree; lvs...
Pouteria fulva T.D.Penn.Terra firma; high forest Tree 80 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam
Myoporum sandwicense var. degeneri A.Gray var. degeneri G.L.Websterdryish grassy open forest Large-...
Phyllanthus mickelii McVaughdeciduous forest, dominated by various Leguminosae, Bursera, Ficus Occa...
Pourouma mildbraediana Standl.Tree 70 ft. high, trunk 9 inches diam., terra firma, high lan
Myrciaria ibarrae Lundellin low forest "Guayabillo" Tree, 4 in. diam., 30 ft. high, flowers white
Eugenia koolauensis O.Deg.Moderately dry woods; Moderately dry woods Many-twigged; about 10 feet h...
Myrcia clausa McVaughbosque húmedo montañoso Herb. No. 92930; Tree 8 m. tall; leaves coriaceous, re...
Calyptranthes megistrophylla Standl.In dense shady valleys at high altitudes Large tree; seen on ra...
Myrcia sessiliflora McVaughWet cliffs and precipitous east slopes Shrub 2 m. tall
Myrcia myriantha McVaughmixed evergreen forest on laterite, below talus of cliffs along NE side Tre...
Martiodendron macrocarpon GleasonOn varzea land; Tree 110 feet high, with yellow flowers. Very hard...
Myrcia nubicola McVaughIn scrub forest Small rounded tree. Fls white. Occasiona
Myrcia pistrinalis McVaughrather open vegetation of shrubs and small trees on top Small tree, 3 m t...
[1314] Myrcianthes prodigiosa McVaugh Fieldiana, Bot. 29 (8): 492 [31 May 1963] (McVaugh 1963). ...
Myrcia revolutifolia McVaughFrequent around rocks Densely branched rounded shrub or small tree; lvs...
Pouteria fulva T.D.Penn.Terra firma; high forest Tree 80 ft. high; trunk 9 inches diam
Myoporum sandwicense var. degeneri A.Gray var. degeneri G.L.Websterdryish grassy open forest Large-...
Phyllanthus mickelii McVaughdeciduous forest, dominated by various Leguminosae, Bursera, Ficus Occa...
Pourouma mildbraediana Standl.Tree 70 ft. high, trunk 9 inches diam., terra firma, high lan
Myrciaria ibarrae Lundellin low forest "Guayabillo" Tree, 4 in. diam., 30 ft. high, flowers white
Eugenia koolauensis O.Deg.Moderately dry woods; Moderately dry woods Many-twigged; about 10 feet h...
Myrcia clausa McVaughbosque húmedo montañoso Herb. No. 92930; Tree 8 m. tall; leaves coriaceous, re...
Calyptranthes megistrophylla Standl.In dense shady valleys at high altitudes Large tree; seen on ra...
Myrcia sessiliflora McVaughWet cliffs and precipitous east slopes Shrub 2 m. tall