Erigeron subacaulis (McVaugh) G.L.Nesom, determined by G. Nesom 1979Oak forests near summits Locally abundant. Disk pale yellow; rays whit
Galinsoga elata Canne, determined by D.L. Schulz 1980Oak-pine woods, on grey metamorphic rock Erect...
Galinsoga mollis McVaugh, determined by D.L. Schulz 1979barranca above a rapid clear stream, in dens...
Critoniopsis autumnalis (McVaugh) H.Rob., determined by H. Robinson 1993oak forests on steep hillsid...
Erigeron wislizeni subsp. purpurascens (A.Gray) Greene subsp. purpurascens (Greenm) G.L.Nesom, deter...
Erigeron tephropodus G.L. Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1998Oak forest with scattered pines, steep...
Cosmos mcvaughii Sherff, determined by E.E. Sherffpine-oak forests west of summits Abundant on stre...
Erigeron wislizeni subsp. wislizeni (A.Gray) Greene subsp. wislizeni, determined by G. Nesom 197
Schoenocaulon lauricola McVaugh ex Frame, determined by D. Frame 1988oak forests near summits Local...
Erigeron ortegae S.F.Blake, determined by S. Sundberg 1986Oak forest near summits, and tropical fore...
Aphelandra parviflora LeonardHerb, in low thick forest; fls. Yellow; bracts gree
Chaptalia madrensis G.L. Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1984steep slopes with oak-pine-juniper with...
Chaptalia transiliens G.L. Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1984steep slopes with oak-pine-juniper wi...
Cosmos diversifolius var. deficiens Otto ex Knowles & Westc. var. deficiens Sherff, determined by E....
Erigeron astranthioides DeJong & G.L.Nesom, determined by D.C.D. DeJongopen, wet, mucky meadow abun...
Erigeron potosinus Standl.Abundant on forest floor. F.c. white, tinged with rose
Galinsoga elata Canne, determined by D.L. Schulz 1980Oak-pine woods, on grey metamorphic rock Erect...
Galinsoga mollis McVaugh, determined by D.L. Schulz 1979barranca above a rapid clear stream, in dens...
Critoniopsis autumnalis (McVaugh) H.Rob., determined by H. Robinson 1993oak forests on steep hillsid...
Erigeron wislizeni subsp. purpurascens (A.Gray) Greene subsp. purpurascens (Greenm) G.L.Nesom, deter...
Erigeron tephropodus G.L. Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1998Oak forest with scattered pines, steep...
Cosmos mcvaughii Sherff, determined by E.E. Sherffpine-oak forests west of summits Abundant on stre...
Erigeron wislizeni subsp. wislizeni (A.Gray) Greene subsp. wislizeni, determined by G. Nesom 197
Schoenocaulon lauricola McVaugh ex Frame, determined by D. Frame 1988oak forests near summits Local...
Erigeron ortegae S.F.Blake, determined by S. Sundberg 1986Oak forest near summits, and tropical fore...
Aphelandra parviflora LeonardHerb, in low thick forest; fls. Yellow; bracts gree
Chaptalia madrensis G.L. Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1984steep slopes with oak-pine-juniper with...
Chaptalia transiliens G.L. Nesom, determined by G.L. Nesom 1984steep slopes with oak-pine-juniper wi...
Cosmos diversifolius var. deficiens Otto ex Knowles & Westc. var. deficiens Sherff, determined by E....
Erigeron astranthioides DeJong & G.L.Nesom, determined by D.C.D. DeJongopen, wet, mucky meadow abun...
Erigeron potosinus Standl.Abundant on forest floor. F.c. white, tinged with rose
Galinsoga elata Canne, determined by D.L. Schulz 1980Oak-pine woods, on grey metamorphic rock Erect...
Galinsoga mollis McVaugh, determined by D.L. Schulz 1979barranca above a rapid clear stream, in dens...
Critoniopsis autumnalis (McVaugh) H.Rob., determined by H. Robinson 1993oak forests on steep hillsid...