Lippia jaliscana MoldenkeSteep slopes; oak clad open forest Holotype US381811; Shrub to small trees. Fl. greenish yellow
Quercus uxoris McVaughPrecipitous mountainsides; tropical forest in ravines, with many oaks, Prunus,...
Eugenia pueblana Lundell, determined by R. McVaugh 1961In wet mixed hardwood-pine-popocarpus forest,...
A floristic analysis of a fir forest and the adjacent cloud forest located at western Jalisco was ma...
Lippia michoacana MoldenkeHills in deciduous forest; with Bursera, Ipomoea, various legumes Treelik...
Lippia culmenicola Moldenketropical deciduous forest, with Forchammeria, Astronium, Bursera; Occasio...
Lamourouxia jaliscana Ernst & Baadpine forests near summits, on steep south and west facing slopes ...
Phoradendron jaliscensis Kuijtpine-oak forest on decomposed granitic soils, with Podocarpus, oaks, a...
Ouratea jaliscensis McVaughSteep mountainsides in the stream valley, pine-oak forest on decomposed g...
Satureja jaliscana McVaugh & R.Schmidnarrow valley of steep mountain stream ascending to the west; h...
Physalis jaliscensis Waterf.steep mountainsides and barrancas; fir forest with Pinus, Quercus, Ostry...
Quercus tuitensis L.M.GonzálezPine/oak forest with Pinus jaliscana, P. maximinoi, P. oocarpa, Quercu...
Lippia mcvaughii MoldenkeLow mountain summits; deciduous woodlands, with Cordia, Brosimum, Platymisc...
Clidemia siapensis WurdackAt forest edge on granitic laja. Flowers white. Occasional
Waltheria lundelliana J.G.SaundersTropical subdeciduous forest on rocky, thin-soiled open slopes. L...
Verbesina sousae FayEdges of tropical deciduous forest in the mountains Rather soft-wooded shrubs 2...
Quercus uxoris McVaughPrecipitous mountainsides; tropical forest in ravines, with many oaks, Prunus,...
Eugenia pueblana Lundell, determined by R. McVaugh 1961In wet mixed hardwood-pine-popocarpus forest,...
A floristic analysis of a fir forest and the adjacent cloud forest located at western Jalisco was ma...
Lippia michoacana MoldenkeHills in deciduous forest; with Bursera, Ipomoea, various legumes Treelik...
Lippia culmenicola Moldenketropical deciduous forest, with Forchammeria, Astronium, Bursera; Occasio...
Lamourouxia jaliscana Ernst & Baadpine forests near summits, on steep south and west facing slopes ...
Phoradendron jaliscensis Kuijtpine-oak forest on decomposed granitic soils, with Podocarpus, oaks, a...
Ouratea jaliscensis McVaughSteep mountainsides in the stream valley, pine-oak forest on decomposed g...
Satureja jaliscana McVaugh & R.Schmidnarrow valley of steep mountain stream ascending to the west; h...
Physalis jaliscensis Waterf.steep mountainsides and barrancas; fir forest with Pinus, Quercus, Ostry...
Quercus tuitensis L.M.GonzálezPine/oak forest with Pinus jaliscana, P. maximinoi, P. oocarpa, Quercu...
Lippia mcvaughii MoldenkeLow mountain summits; deciduous woodlands, with Cordia, Brosimum, Platymisc...
Clidemia siapensis WurdackAt forest edge on granitic laja. Flowers white. Occasional
Waltheria lundelliana J.G.SaundersTropical subdeciduous forest on rocky, thin-soiled open slopes. L...
Verbesina sousae FayEdges of tropical deciduous forest in the mountains Rather soft-wooded shrubs 2...
Quercus uxoris McVaughPrecipitous mountainsides; tropical forest in ravines, with many oaks, Prunus,...
Eugenia pueblana Lundell, determined by R. McVaugh 1961In wet mixed hardwood-pine-popocarpus forest,...
A floristic analysis of a fir forest and the adjacent cloud forest located at western Jalisco was ma...